A study on the applicability of in-service hybrid education in food and beverage business (The exemple of culinary trends)

Göster/ Aç
2021Üst veri
Tüm öğe kaydını gösterÖzet
Gastronomy shows a continuous development as a branch of science that aims to meet the socialization needs of individuals as well as their physical needs. Considerable importance is attached to the level of technological integration as the most fundamental variable that can accelerate this development. However, scientific findings on the technological transformation experienced today and the effects of this transformation on sectoral development have not been encountered, especially in the field of in-service gastronomy education. The main purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of in-service training as a dimension of non-formal education in the field of gastronomy education as hybrid. In this context, hybrid training on gastronomic tendencies was given to chefs working as section chefs in cold, hot and ala carte departments in the kitchen units of food and beverage businesses. In the training plan, the study group was divided into two and a pre-test and post-test study was conducted to measure their knowledge of gastronomic tendencies. Teaching about new gastronomic trends was given to one group through mutual training, and to the other group 50% of the trainings were given face-to-face and 50% via internet-based distance education. In this context, the comparative advantages and weaknesses of hybrid education and face-to-face education were compared in terms of gastronomy education.
Journal of Educational Technology & Online LearningCilt
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