Başlık için Mimarlık-Makale Koleksiyonu listeleme
Toplam kayıt 37, listelenen: 1-20
Analiz araçları yardımıyla sürdürülebilir bisiklet yolları seçimi üzerine bir çalışma
(Oğuzhan Yılmaz, 2024)Son yıllarda giderek artış gösteren motorlu araç kullanımı, fosil yakıt kullanımını artırarak çevresel kirliliği ve iklim değişikliğini tetiklemektedir. Bu durumun etkisini azaltmak için sergilenen yaklaşımların ... -
Appropriation and authenticity: the case of transforming churches into mosques in Ayvalik
(Selçuk Üniv., 2016)A special case of transforming churches into mosques was practiced after the population exchange agreement signed on 1923 between Greece and Turkey, which forced thousands of Greeks and Turks to migrate. The churches in ... -
Architecture students' attitudes toward emergency distance education and elements affecting their success in design studios: a sample from Turkey
(Springer, 2023)The COVID-19 pandemic has caused signifcant changes in almost every feld globally and has also caused signifcant revisions in the education process of many disciplines, including architecture. The transition of the programs ... -
Balıkesir katı atık düzenli depolama tesisinin irdelenmesi
(Ahmet Fidan, 2024)Düzenli depolama alanları, katı atıkların bertarafı ve dönüşümü çalışmalarında önemli parametreler arasında yer almaktadır. Birçok ülkede, katı atıkların yönetimi konusunda, vahşi depolama yönteminden düzenli depolama ... -
Bisiklet paylaşım istasyonlarının belirlenmesi: CBS tabanlı çok kriterli karar verme yaklaşımı
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2021)Dünya genelinde bisiklet kullanımını artırmak için bisiklet paylaşım sistemleri uygulanmaktadır. Bisiklet paylaşım istasyonlarına olan potansiyel talep ve istasyonların yerlerinin uygun şekilde seçilmesi, bu sistemlerin ... -
Biyofilik tasarım konulu lisansüstü tezlerin bibliyometrik analizi
(2023)Son yıllarda popüler bir kavram olan biyofili, insanın doğuştan gelen ‘doğaya ve doğada bulunan canlılara’ karşı hissettiği duygusal yakınlık, mimari bağlamda yapılı çevrelerde insan ve doğa etkileşimini ifade ederken ... -
Conservation of djemevies within the context of faith-space relationship: Malatya Arapgir Onar Village’s Djemevies
(Ankara Haci Bayram Veli University, 2021)İnanç, geçmişten günümüze uzanan süreçte insanların en temel ihtiyaçlarından/içgüdülerinden biri olmuştur. Tarih boyunca pek çok toplum, inanç dinamiklerini geliştirerek; kutsal inanç sistemlerini ve ritüellerini inşa ... -
Critical stress factors influencing architecture students in Turkey: a structural equation modelling approach
(Open House Int, 2021)Purpose Presently, there are two main classification of architectural courses in the curriculum: lecture courses and design studios. Owing to the duality between design studios and lecture courses, architectural education ... -
Developing a web based software for the evaluation of architectural designs
(Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Faculty of Architecture, 2021)When the architectural design is handled based on process and product, we see that many parameters come into play at the point of decision making. Especially as the design problem gets complicated, the value parameters ... -
Effect of sodium silicate to sodium hydroxide ratios on durability of geopolymer mortars containing natural and artificial pozzolans
(Univ Chemistry & Technology, 2017)This study aims to provide the experimental data on the sulphate and acid performance of geopolymer mortar containing pozzolanic materials such as fly ash (FA), ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) and natural zeolite ... -
The effects of greek society and culture on Ayvalik architecture: Architectural typology and vernacular settlement
(Brill Academic Publishers, 2017)Ayvalik town is a traditional and urban formation that is of the outcome of centuries of optimization of material use, construction techniques and climate considerations, that the traces of the Greek architecture is seen. ... -
Energy consumption analysis of education buildings: The case study of Balikesir University
(Gazi Univ, 2021)Today, increasing energy costs and environmental problems make it mandatory to use energy efficiently in buildings. Universities with high energy consumption have become the focus to save energy in the building sector. ... -
Energy performance analysis of a historical building using cost-optimal assessment
(Elsevier Science SA, 2021)The energy efficiency concept has attracted significant attention over the last few years and has taken a prominent role in the development goals of countries. Considering that buildings have a high share in total energy ... -
Evaluation of Indoor Environmenta Concutions in University Classrooms
(Ice Publishing, 2019)Analysing learning environments is important because classrooms can affect students' well-being and learning performance. In this paper, a field study was conducted based on a mixed method for a better understanding of ... -
Factors affecting the performance of construction industry during the COVID-19 pandemic: a case study in Turkey
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2022)Purpose – The construction industry is a crucial industry for national development worldwide. Because the construction industry is tied to national and international economic activities, the COVID-19 outbreak has limited ... -
Field study to analyse luminous comfort in classrooms
(Ice Publishing, 2018)This study analysed current daylighting conditions in terms of luminous comfort in the classrooms of Balikesir University in Turkey. This was managed through a questionnaire survey and numerical simulations in 16 different ... -
Freeze-thaw and fire resistance of geopolymer mortar based on natural and waste pozzolans
(Univ Chemistry & Technology, 2018)The purpose of this research was to investigate the resistance of pozzolan-based geopolymer mortars subjected to high temperatures and freeze-thaw cycles. Low calcium fly ash and granulated blast furnace slag as waste ... -
Geleneksel kırsal yerleşimlerde sosyo-kültürel değişimin mekâna yansımaları: Malatya/Darende Günpınar yerleşimi örneği
(Kürşat Öncül, 2021)Geçmişten günümüze modernleşme ve sanayileşmeyle başlayan kentsel alanlardaki yer değiştirme kadar, farklı nedenlerle kırsal alanlarda yaşadığı yerleşimi istemli veya zorunlu olarak terk etme, göç etme olgusu da yaşanmıştır. ... -
Genotype syntactic study of vernacular houses in Biskra city
(Konya Technical Univ, 2021)Purpose This paper provides an analysis of the vernacular houses of the city of Biskra, in the north-eastern Algerian Sahara. The aim is to examine the underlying genotype of the spatial configuration of the city's ... -
Impediments to application of energy efficient measures in buildings: A survey study of Balikesir, Turkey
(Yildiz Technical Univ, 2019)Building sector in Turkey is responsible for about 35% of total energy consumption. Investigating the impediments in the application of energy efficient measures in buildings is of great importance for energy saving. In ...