Turistik çekicilik unsurları içinde yiyecek içecek işletmelerinin yeri: Sultanahmet örneği
Tourism, as an important element of contemporary society is growing constantly. The rapid changes in
the tourism sector has led to a variation in preferences and types of tourism. Searchs for new
destinations have emerged to cater for diversifying the tourist profile and tourism values. These
searchs have given rise to new types of tourism which are altervative to mass tourism pursuits.
In addition to alternative forms of tourism such as, health tourism, cultural tourism, religious tourism,
sports tourism, gastronomic tourism is also gaining in importance in recent years. Gastronomy is
accepted as a target part of being visited to a destination, therefore it is considered to be important.
Tourists look for new and unique experiences and alternative forms of tourism and because of that
gastronomy has become the most important reasons for visiting. People who visit a tourism
destination, want to know the cuisine of the destination and taste meals. Having well established and
rich kitchen of a destination will rise the importance of the destination in destination preferences.
Because of eating and drinking activity is the greatest and oldest pleasures of humanity, mass nutrition
system which has been practiced since the Middle Ages, has developed in parallel to urbanization and
industrialization, and has become an important part of today's life. Restaurants are not only a place
where something eaten, but also they are the places whose attractiveness has been increased by the