Güncel Gönderiler: Gıda İşleme Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 35, listelenen: 21-35
The effects of modified atmosphere gas composition on microbiological criteria, color and oxidation values of minced beef meat
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2011)This paper reports the effects of modified atmosphere gas compositions with different concentrations of CO2/O-2/N-2 on color properties (L*, a* and b* values), oxidation stability (TBARS value) and microbiological properties ... -
Purification and characterization of the olive fruit beta-glucosidase involved in the biosynthesis of virgin olive oil phenolic
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2011)The importance of plantb-glucosidases to food quality is in factderived from their ability to hydrolyze flavor recursors, liberat-ing aglycone moieties that provide desirable organoleptic properties to plant-derived foods. ... -
Influence of packaging conditions on some microbial properties of minced beef meat at 4 degrees c storage
(Scientific Issues Natl Centre Agrarian Sciences,, 2011)In this study, the effect of initial head-spaces of atmospheric air, vacuum packaging and modified atmospheres packaging (MAP) containing 70% CO(2)/30% O(2) (MAP1); 50% O(2)/50% CO(2) (MAP2); 30% CO(2)/70% O(2) (MAP3); 50% ... -
Determination of microbial contamination sources for use in quality management of cheese industry: "dil" cheese as an example
(Birkhauser Verlag Ag, 2010)The microbiological quality, safety and shelf-life of cheeses depend on manufacture and handling in an environment that meets basic standards for hygiene and the management of hygiene in the process. In this research ... -
The changes of the chemical composition during processing three Turkish table olive cultivars (olea europea l.)
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2010)özet yok -
The effect of modified atmosphere and vacuum packaging on the physicochemical, microbiological, sensory and textural properties of crottin de chavignol cheese
(Karger, 2009)In this work, it was aimed to determine the effect of packaging technique on some quality properties of "Crottin de Chavignol" type goat cheese packaged under vacuum (VP) and modified atmosphere (MAP) (%20 CO2 + %80 N-2) ... -
Effect of onion (Allium cepa l.) extract on microbiological quality of refrigerated beef meat
(Wiley, 2010)The effect of onion (All turn cepa L.) extract on the fresh beef fillet meat was investigated. Beef fillet samples were cut into pieces and treated with 5, 10, 20 and 50 % onion-water extract (v/v) and stored in refrigeration ... -
Production of traditional Turkish mesir paste
(WFL Publ, 2010)Known today for its healing and nutritive characteristics, mesir paste was produced for the first time in Manisa in the 16(th) century during the Ottoman era. Water, sugar, citric acid and a variety of spices are used for ... -
Control of listeria monocytogenes in ground chicken breast meat under aerobic, vacuum and modified atmosphere packaging conditions with or without the presence of bay essential oil at 4 degrees c
(Karger, 2010)In this study the combined effect of bay (Laurus nobilis L.) essential oil (0.5% v/w) with modified atmosphere (MAP) (20%CO(2)/80%N(2)) and vacuum packaging in ground chicken breast meat stored at 4 degrees C was investigated. ... -
Geleneksel bir peynirimiz: sepet peynirinin kimyasal ve mikrobiyolojik özellikleri
(2006)Sepet peyniri Ege bölgemize ait yarı-sert türde bir peynirdir. Aile içinde üretilen ve sadece yöresel pazarlarda satışı yapılan bazı peynir türlerimiz unutulmaya başlanmıştır. Süt ürünleri endüstrisi açısından bu şekilde ... -
İhracata yönelik hazırlanan bazı deniz ürünlerinin mikrobiyal özellikleri
(2007)Amaç:Günümüzde kum midyesi, deniz salyangozu, et karides, dondurulmuş sardalye türü deniz ürünleri İtalya, İspanya, Japonya ve Çin gibi ülkelere ihracatlarına bağlı olarak ekonomik yönden büyük önem kazanmışlardır. Yöntem: ... -
Gıda kaynaklı bir patojen: Arcobacter
(2009)Camplylobacteraceae familyasına ait Gram negatif, zoonotik ve oksijene dirençli bir mikroorganizma olan Arcobacter 15 ºC’de gelişmesi, 42 ºC’de gelişmemesi, aerobik ortamda optimum olarak 30 °C’de gelişme göstermesi, %27-30 ... -
Gıda endüstrisinde ozon uygulamaları
(2014)Aktif oksijen olarak bilinen Ozon (O3), antimikrobiyal etkisi güçlü bir dezenfektandır. Güneşin ultraviyole ışını ve yıldırım anında ortaya çıkan elektrik arkları ile oluşan ozon, dünyanın etrafında koruyucu kalkan olarak ... -
Analysis of kappa-casein (κ-casein) gene of associated with milk yield on Turkish grey cattle breed
(2015)Bu çalışmada, Boz ırk sığırlarda süt verimi ile ilişkilendirilen kappa-kazein geninin (?-kazein) analizi yapılmıştır. Çalışma kapsamında, Bandırma Koyunculuk Araştırma İstasyonunda bulunan 88 adet saf Boz ırk sığırdan kan ...