The power absorption and the penetration depth of electromagnetic radiation in lead telluride under cyclotron resonance conditions
Cyclotron resonance absorption in n- and p-type PbTe was observed by Nii and was analysed under classical skin effect conditions. When the values of DC magnetic field corresponding to peaks are plotted against the held directions, a close fit is obtained between the calculated and observed results based on the assumption of a [111] ellipsoids of revolution model for the both conduction and valance band extrema. From the best fit m(t) = 0.024m(0) and 0.03m(0) for the transverse effective masses and K = m(1)/m(t) = 9.8 and 12.2 for the anisotropic mass rations are obtained for the conduction and valance band, respectively. The observed absorption curve shows weak structures at low magnetic field. They are supposed to be due to second harmonics of Azbel'-Kaner cyclotron resonance. However, it turns out to be unnecessary to introduce other bands to explain the experimental results. The applicability of the classical magneto-optical theory is examined by calculating the power absorption coefficient and penetration depth as a function of DC magnetic field.