Güncel Gönderiler: Hemşirelik Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 128, listelenen: 101-120
Depression, cognitive disorders prevalence and their potent factors in elderly enrolled at an old age care center
(Nobel İlaç, 2019)Objective: This study aimed to determine the depression and cognitive disorders of the elderly and identify the potent factors influencing these conditions. Material and Method: The study involved face-to-face interviews ... -
Prevalence and correlates of the use of complementary and alternative medicine in adults living in a rural area
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2019)There is growing interest in the use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) throughout the world; however, previous research performed in Turkey has not focused on CAM use in rural areas. The present study was ... -
The role of high sensitive c-reactive protein and histopathological evaluation in chronic gastritis patients with or without helicobacter pylori infection
(Acta Cirurgica Brasileira, 2019)Purpose: To evaluate serum levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in chronic gastritis patients to predict Helicobacter pylori (HP) infection, inflammatory activity, and precancerous lesions. Methods: A ... -
The factors affecting sleep quality in Type 2 diabetes patients
(Kuwait Medical Assoc, 2019)Objective: Research was planned with the aim of determining the sleep quality of individuals with type 2 diabetes and the factors affecting this. Design: Descriptive and cross-sectional study Setting: Endocrinology ... -
The relationship between breastfeeding attitudes and perceived stress levels of Turkish mothers
(Wiley, 2019)Aims In the present study, it was aimed to investigate the relationships between breastfeeding attitude and perceived stress levels of Turkish mothers. Methods In this descriptive study, the Personal Information Form ... -
Reliability and validity of the Turkish version of the WHO-5, in adults and older adults for its use in primary care settings
(Cambridge Univ Press, 2019)Background: This study aims to determine the psychometric properties of the World Health Organization Well-Being Index (WHO-5) Turkish version in Turkish adults and older adults. Methods: This is a multicenter cultural ... -
Peer relations in preschool children and determinants of the relations
(Galenos Yayincilik, 2019)INTRODUCTION: In this study, it was aimed to determine peer relations in preschool children and determinants of these relations. METHODS: The cross-sectional study was conducted between March and May 2018 with 432 4-6 ... -
Unmet needs for family planning among married women aged 15-49 years living in two settlements with different socioeconomic and cultural characteristics: A cross-sectional study from Karabuk Province in Turkey
(Australian Rural Health Educ Network, 2019)Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate levels and related factors of the unmet needs for family planning among married women aged 15-49 years living in two settlements (rural and urban) having different economic, ... -
Prevalence of home accidents among 0-6-year old children mothers' levels of displaying precaution-taking behaviors
(Amber Publication, 2017)In this study was aimed at determining the prevalence of home accidents among 0-6-year-old children living in rural area in the city center of Balikesir within the past two weeks, their mothers' levels of displaying ... -
How primary care reforms influenced health indicators in Manisa district in Turkey: Lessons for general practitioners
(Taylor and Francis Ltd, 2017)Background: Turkish health reforms began in 2003 and brought some significant changes in primary care services. Few studies in Turkey compare the shift from health centres (HC) to family physicians (FP) approach, which ... -
The stigma perceived by parents of intellectual disability children: an interpretative phenomenological analysis study
(Cumhuriyet Univ Tıp Fak Psikiyatri Anabilim Dalı, 2018)Objective: The aim of this is to put forth perceptions of the stigma that parents of intellectual disabled individuals fell and the parents' experiences associated with the stigma. Methods: This research, which is made as ... -
Investigation of the attitudes of university students to discrimination of the elderly
(Kare Publ, 2018)OBJECTIVE: This study was conducted to determine the attitudes of university students studying in different fields toward discrimination of the elderly. METHODS: This descriptive study was conducted with students who ... -
Stroke patients 'quality of life and compliance with the treatment
(Carbone Editore, 2018)Objective: The aim of this study was to determirte adherence with treatment, quality of life and related factors in, patients who were hospitalized and diagnosed with stroke at least six months before their hospitalization? ... -
Anger and tolerance levels of the inmates in prison
(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2018)Anger is defined by Soykan (2003) as “a highly natural, universal and humane emotional response displayed to unsatisfied requests, undesired results, and unmet expectations (Soykan, 2003).” In terms of evolutionary psychology, ... -
The magnitude and determinants of emotional-behavioral problems in working adolescents in Turkey
(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2018)OBJECTIVE: Working adolescents are at a greater risk of mental disorders than are non-working adolescents. The present study was aimed at determining the magnitude and determinants of emotional and behavioral problems in ... -
Change from health center to family physician period in the Turkish health system: A qualitative study
(Wiley, 2018)Introduction Health care reforms in Turkey have been implemented resolutely in the last 12 years. The shift from health center (HC) to a family physician (FP) approach is 1 of the basic interventions of these reforms. The ... -
Acil servislerin acil sorunu: Acil sorunu
(2015)Acil servisler, acil sağlık hizmetlerinin yürütülmesinde yaşamsal role sahiptir. Acil servislerin uygunsuz kullanımı bu rolün yerine getirilmesini engelleyen dünya genelinde yaygın bir sorun olarak kabul edilmektedir. ... -
Ödemiş bölgesindeki intihar girişimlerinin incelenmesi
(2016)Amaç: Bu çalışma Ödemiş ilçesindeki intihargirişimlerinin incelenmesi ve ilişkili etmenlerininbelirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu araştırma, retrospektif olarakyapılmıştır. İzmir ilinin Ödemiş ilçesindeki ... -
Sağlık çalışanlarının tükenmişlik, iş doyumu düzeyleri ve yaşam doyumunun incelenmesi
(2016)Giriş: Bu araştırma sağlık çalışanlarının tükenmişlik, iş doyumu düzeyleri ve yaşam doyumunun incelenmesi amacıyla yürütülmüştür. Gereç ve Yöntem: Kesitsel tipte olan bu çalışma, Manisa Soma Devlet Hastanesinde çalışan ve ... -
Ameliyat sürecinde uygulanan sıvı tedavisi yöntemleri
(2017)Ameliyat sürecini kapsayan dönemde uygun sıvı tedavisinin sağlanması, artan metabolik gereksinimlerin karşılanması ve ameliyat sonrası dönemde komplikasyonların önlenmesinde önemli role sahiptir. Genel olarak ameliyat ...