Yayın tarihi için Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü listeleme
Toplam kayıt 61, listelenen: 1-20
Doğu Toroslarda (Ulaş-Sivas) yeni bir Triyas bulgusu
(2006)Sivas güneydoğusunda yapılan önceki çalışmalarda bölgede yüzeyleyen platform karbonatları farklı ad ve yaşlarla verilmiştir. Bu çalışmada ise bölgede yüzeyleyen platform karbonatlarının, içerdiği fosillere {Auloconus ... -
Sedimentological aspects of the Yağlıpınar Formation, northern Pınarbaşı (Kayseri)
(2011)Bu çalışma Pınarbaşı ilçesinin (Kayseri) yaklaşık 5 km kuzeyinde yüzeyleyen Paleosen yaşlı Yağlıpınar Formasyonu’nun çökelme ortamlarını ve bölgede egemen olan paleocoğrafik ve paleo-iklimsel koşulları, inceleme alanında ... -
The case of the carnian (triassic) conodont genus metapolygnathus hayashi
(China Univ Geosciences, 2015)Successive evolutionary trends control the genera Paragondolella Mosher and Metapolygnathus Hayashi over the about 20 Ma long Aegean-Tuvalian timespan. In consideration of their evolutionary criteria, these genera have ... -
Petrogenesis of the post-collisional Eocene volcanic rocks from the Central Sakarya Zone (Northwestern Anatolia, Turkey): Implications for source characteristics, magma evolution, and tectonic setting
(Springer Heidelberg, 2015)Eocene volcanic rocks from the Central Sakarya Zone in the north of the A degrees zmir-Ankara suture zone (IASZ) are predominantly intermediate-acidic lava flows and pyroclastics that crop out with a W-E orientation. The ... -
Clay mineralogy and geochemistry of fossil and active hydrothermal alteration in the hisaralan geothermal field (Sındırgı-Balıkesir), western Turkey
(2016)Hisaralan jeotermal sahası Simav Grabeni ile İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zonu (IBTZ)'nin kesişim yerinde bulunmaktadır. Alan Erken Miyosen dasidik ve riyolitik volkaniklerden oluşmaktadır. Kil mineralojisi ... -
Geochemical properties of soils surrounding the Deliklitaş Au deposit, Turkey
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016)The Deliklitas gold deposit is in northwest Turkey, where a renowned gold province containing many major hydrothermal deposits related to Tertiary volcanic rocks. Because of the limited outcrops in the region, one of the ... -
Comments on: a review of the evolution, biostratigraphy, provincialısm and diversity of middle and early late triassic conodonts discussion
(Wiley, 2016)CHEN et al. (2016) reviewed and re-evaluated the taxonomy, diversity, evolutionary lineages and stratigraphical distributions of Middle and early Late Triassic conodonts. A total of 24 genera were assigned to 2 families and ... -
Macromolecular composition of terrestrial and marine organic matter in sediments across the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
(Copernicus Gesellschaft MBH, 2016)Mobilisation of terrestrial organic carbon (terrOC) from permafrost environments in eastern Siberia has the potential to deliver significant amounts of carbon to the Arctic Ocean, via both fluvial and coastal erosion. ... -
Source, transport and fate of soil organic matter inferred from microbial biomarker lipids on the East Siberian Arctic Shelf
(Copernicus Gesellschaft MBH, 2016)The Siberian Arctic contains a globally significant pool of organic carbon (OC) vulnerable to enhanced warming and subsequent release by both fluvial and coastal erosion processes. However, the rate of release, its behaviour ... -
Petrology of Eocene volcanic rocks from the Central Sakarya Zone (northwestern Anatolia, Turkey): new evidence from Ar-Ar and Sr-Nd isotope determinations
(Springer Verlag, 2016)In this study, petrological characteristics of the Early-Middle Eocene Bozanic volcanic rocks resulting from the closure of the Neotethys Ocean in the Central Sakarya region and geodynamic evolution of the Eocene magmatism ... -
Liquefaction potential of the settlement area of Susurluk (Balikesir, Turkey) ın the context of earthquake sensitive urbanization
(Iop Publishing Ltd, 2017)The settlement area of Susurluk (Balikesir) is located in a region with a high seismic risk and its territory is in the first degree of earthquake zone according to the earthquake hazard map of Turkey. In addition, the ... -
Coal characteristics, elemental composition and modes of occurrence of some elements in the isaalan coal (Balikesir, NW Turkey)
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2017)"This study uses coal petrography, micro-FTIR, mineralogical, and geochemical analyses to determine the coal characteristics and controlling factors of elemental enrichments in the Isaalan coal (NW Turkey). The obtained ... -
Performance and sustainability of district-scale ground coupled heat pump systems
(Springer, 2017)This study proposes a solution to the problem of maintaining the performance and sustainability of district-scale, cooling-dominated ground coupled heat pump (GCHP) systems. These systems tend to overheat because heat ... -
SHRIMP U-Pb zircon ages and whole-rock geochemistry for the Sapc volcanic rocks, Biga Peninsula, Northwest Turkey: implications for pre-eruption crystallization conditions and source characteristics
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017)Palaeogene and Neogene volcanic rocks are widespread on the Biga Peninsula of Northwest Turkey. These rocks were formed during the Eocene, Oligocene-Miocene, and late Miocene, and the early Miocene Sapc volcanic rocks in ... -
Integration between urban planning and natural hazards for resilient city
(Igi Global, 2018)Analyses and syntheses conducted before the urban planning process are significant. Accurate analysis and synthesis enable to determine proper site selection and the proper site selection is the basis of a sustainable urban ... -
Weathering indices used in evaluation of the weathering state of rock material
(Igi Global, 2018)There are various definition of weathering and differences between authors seem to steam in part from the different viewpoints of pedolog, geomorpholog, geolog, geochemists and geology engineer. In this study, weathering ... -
Probabilistic analysis applied to rock slope stability: a case study from northeast Turkey
(Elsevier Science BV, 2018)In the evaluation of rock slope stability, there are many kinds of uncertainties including the input parameters uncertainty, the calculations uncertainty, and the procedure. Slope stability analysis can be classified into ... -
Preliminary results of the radiolarian-chert hosted manganese deposit within the Vezirler ophiolitic melange (Kula-Manisa, western Turkey): constraints on the origin, paleo-redox conditions, and depositional environments
(Springer Heidelberg, 2018)In Turkey, Late Cretaceous ophiolitic complexes and melange assemblages of the Izmir-Ankara-Erzincan Suture Zone, part of the northern branch of the Neotethys Ocean are rich in Mn-oxide deposits. These deposits are related ... -
Soft-sediment deformation structures related to tectonomagmatic activity: A case study from the borate-bearing lacustrine deposits of early Miocene Bigadic Basin, NW Turkey
(Elsevier Science, 2018)This study documents soft-sediment deformation structures in the lacustrine Bigadic Basin, one of the early Miocene terrestrial basins in the extensional tectonomagmatic province of northwestern Anatolia. The focus is on ... -
Investigation of metal pollution in Moryayla (Erzurum) and surrounding stream sediments, Turkey
(Springer, 2018)The enrichment factor (EF), geochemical index (Igeo), pollution factor (Cf), and pollutant load index (PLI) were calculated using average shale metal concentration values to determine metal pollution in Moryayla and ...