Başlık için Klinik Bilimler Bölümü listeleme
Toplam kayıt 146, listelenen: 1-20
2005-2009 yılları arasında Bolu bölgesinde buzağılarda tespit edilen anomali olgularının değerlendirilmesi
(2016)Bu çalışmada Bolu bölgesinde önemli ekonomik kayıplara neden olan ve son yıllarda buzağılarda artış gösteren anomali olguları incelendi. Anomali olgularının yıllara göre dağılımı, hangi tip anomalilere rastlanıldığı, ... -
Aelurostrongylus abstrusus infection and radiographic findings in a kitten
(Afyon Kocatepe Üniv. Veteriner Fak., 2021)A two-month-old female kitten suffering from respiratory signs, lethargy, and anorexia for fifteen days was brought to Balikesir University Small Animal Internal Medicine Clinics of Veterinary Faculty. During pulmonary ... -
Age-specific analysis of anti-müllerian hormone and liver biochemical parameters in freemartin holstein calves and heifers: A pilot study
(Elsevier, 2024)Freemartinism is the most common congenital anomaly among sexual disorders in dairy cows. This syndrome typically occurs in different-sex twin pregnancies and causes vascular anastomoses to form with the placenta in the ... -
The antioxidant status and biochemical parameters in kid goats naturally infected with peste des petits ruminants virus
(Univ Fed Rio Grande Do Sul, 2018)Background: Peste des petits ruminants (PPR) is an acute and highly contagious viral disease of small ruminants. The disease is high economical importance because of the high mortality rate. Oxidative stress is an active ... -
Assessment of plasma nitric oxide concentration and erythrocyte arginase activity in dairy cows with traumatic reticuloperitonitis
(Hellenic Veterinary Medical Soc, 2019)The aim of this study was to evaluate plasma nitric oxide (NO) concentrations, erythrocyte arginase (ARG) activity, plasma fibrinogen (Fb) and serum iron (Fe) levels and some biochemical parameters in dairy cows with ... -
Bir koyun işletmesinde görülen anomali vakalarının değerlendirilmesi
(2016)Anomali vakalarının insidansına yönelik çalışmalar sığırlar üzerinde yoğunlaştığı, küçük ruminantlara yönelik çalışmaların ise ihmal edildiği gözlendi. Bu çalışmada 109 akkaraman koyun ve 10 adet sakız koçundan oluşan ve ... -
Bir köpekte amitraz toksikasyonu
(2011)Bu olguda amitraz toksikasyonlu bir köpekte laboratuvar parametrelerindeki değişimler araştırıldı. Olgunun materya-lini 2 aylık labrador melezi bir köpek oluşturdu. Anamnezde veteriner hekim tarafından kene enfestasyonuna ... -
Bir köpekte gastrik tümör olgusu
(2016)Bu olguda iştahsızlık, halsizlik, zayıflama, kusma, poliüri, melena şikâyetleriyle kliniğe getirilen 9 yaşlı, erkek, Setter ırkı bir köpeğin yapılan otopsisinde teşhis edilen gastrik tümör olgusu değerlendirildi. Köpek ... -
Bir sığırda özefagus kaynaklı metalik yabancı cisim sebebiyle oluşan derin boyun apsesi ve sağaltımı
(2017)Bu olgu sunumunda boyun bölgesinde şişkinlik, iştahsızlık, regürgitasyon ve zayıflama şikayetleri bulunan 3 yaşındaki Simental ırkı bir inekte gözlenen özefagus kaynaklı metalik yabancı cisim nedeniyle oluşan derin boyun ... -
Botulismuslu ineklerde serum total sialik asit konsantrasyonunun ve bazı biyokimyasal parametrelerin değerlendirilmesi
(Atatürk Universitesi, 2020)Bu araştırmada botulismuslu sığırlarda serum total sialik asit, total protein, albumin, globülin, AST, LDH, ALP, BUN, Ca, P ve Mg düzeyleri araştırıldı. Çalışmanın materyalini dilde ve çenede tonus kaybı, çiğneme güçlüğü, ... -
Boynuz ve canlı tırnak lezyonu (BCTL) bulunan süt sığırlarında ökçe yastığının ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirilmesi
(2018)Amaç: Bu çalışmada boynuz ve canlı tırnak lezyonu (BCTL) bulunan süt sığırlarında ökçe yastıklarının ultrasonografik olarak değerlendirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmada, aynı beslenme ve barınak şartlarında ... -
Case report: Systemic tuberculosis caused by mycobacterium bovis in a cat
(BMC, 2019)BackgroundThe diagnosis of previous cases of feline tuberculosis in Turkey has been made based solely on pathological changes without isolation of the causative agent. This case report details the first case of feline ... -
Clinical importance of lipid profile in neonatal calves with sepsis
(Hellenic Veterinary Medical Soc., 2018)In this study, it was aimed to determine of diagnostic importance of blood lipid levels in neonatal calves with sepsis. The study was carried out on a total of 70 calves, 60 with sepsis and 10 healthy calves. The calves ... -
Clinical, pathological and molecular findings in caprine arthritis - encephalitis virus infection in damascus goats
(Sciendo, 2022)Caprine Arthritis-Encephalitis Virus Infection was presented with clinical, pathological, and molecular fi ndings in dairy goats from a breeding unit in Turkey. According to history, 50 of 700 goats and kids showed the ... -
Comparison of fertility parameters in Romanov sheep synchronized with progesterone-based protocol plus PMSG or GnRH
(Ebubekir Ceylan, 2022)Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the fertility parameters in response to pregnant mare serum gonadotropin (conventional treatment) or gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (alternative treatment) in Romanov ... -
Comparison of immunomodulatory effects of free and liposomal levamisole administered intraperitoneally to rats
(Polish Soc Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office, 2024)This study aimed to compare the effects of immunomodulatory treatment of rats with free and liposomal levamisole. Liposomes were freshly prepared and administered intraperitoneally to animals after characterization studies. ... -
Comparison of oxidative/nitrosative stress, leptin and progesterone concentrations in pregnant and non-pregnant abaza goats synchronized with controlled internal drug release application
(2018)The aim of this study was to determine the oxidative/nitrosative stress, leptin and progesterone concentrations in pregnant and non-pregnant Abaza goats after synchronization with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) ... -
Comparison of oxidative/nitrosative stress, leptin and progesterone concentrations in pregnant and non-pregnant abaza goats synchronized with controlled internal drug release application
(Kafkas Univ., 2018)The aim of this study was to determine the oxidative/nitrosative stress, leptin and progesterone concentrations in pregnant and non-pregnant Abaza goats after synchronization with controlled internal drug release (CIDR) ... -
Comparison of pregnancy per AI of heifers inseminated with sex-sorted or conventional semen after oestrus detection or timed artificial insemination
(Wiley, 2021)The objective of the study was to compare the fertility after using sex-sorted or conventional semen either with oestrus detection (EST) or timed artificial insemination (TAI) in Holstein heifers. Holstein heifers were ... -
Comparison of pregnancy rates after short - term and long -term synchronization protocol in ewes- pilot study
(Erciyes Üniv. Veteriner Fak., 2021)The objective of the study was to compare the pregnancy rates after short-term and long-term synchronization protocol in Kivircik ewes. Ewes (n=54) were randomly divided into two synchronization groups as ST (short-term; n=27) ...