Güncel Gönderiler: Mimarlık Bölümü
Toplam kayıt 44, listelenen: 21-40
Diffusion of computer aided design technology in architectural design practice
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2005)Computer aided design (CAD) technology is one of the most influential information technology (IT) innovations of the last four decades. This paper studies the factors that influence the spread of this important IT innovation ... -
Chemical resistance of pozzolanic plaster for earthen walls
(Elsevier Sci Ltd, 2005)Earth is an economical and ancient construction material. Historical earthen architecture is a heritage that must be handed over to the next generations but experience shows that these historical structures do not stand ... -
Differentiation, conformity, and construction firm performance
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2003)Competitive strategy and neo-institutional scholars offer different views for studying a firm's relationship with its environment. Competitive strategy scholars propose that a firm's environment hosts competitive forces ... -
Managing intellectual capital in construction firms
(A A Balkema Publishers, 2003)Intellectual capital is rapidly becoming a key strategic resource for creating competitive advantage in the construction industry. The emergence of intellectual capital as a key resource for creating competitive advantage ... -
Impact of climate change on passive design strategies
(Ice Publishing, 2015)The aim of this study is to determine the changing contribution of passive design strategies to maintain thermal comfort conditions under climate change in Turkey. A bioclimatic chart developed by Givoni was used for the ... -
Use of pumice fine aggregate as an alternative to standard sand in production of lightweight cement mortar
(Natl Inst Science Communication-Niscair, 2011)The purpose of this study is to evaluate the possibility of using granulated pumice as an alternative to fine aggregate in production of lightweight cement mortar. The cement/pumice fine aggregate ratio is 1:3 for pumice ... -
Utilization of waste glass as sand replacement in cement mortar
(Natl Inst Science Communication-Niscair, 2011)In this study, alkali silica reaction (ASR) expansion and strength characteristics of mortar containing waste glasses are analyzed in terms of waste glass content and glass color. Three different colors of waste glasses ... -
Innovation diffusion modeling in the construction ındustry
(Asme-Amer Soc Mechanical Eng, 2010)The innovation diffusion modeling approach proposes that the diffusion of an innovation in an industry is mainly driven by internal and external influence factors. But the innovation diffusion models used in previous ... -
Fuzzy intellectual capital index for construction firms
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2009)Construction firms are now operating in a new era. Gaining and sustaining competitive advantage in this era primarily depends on effective and efficient management of knowledge assets. This paper proposes a performance ... -
The combined usage of ground waste glass with an industrial by-product in manufacturing portland cement mortar
(Ice Publ, 2010)The aim of the present study was to investigate the possibility of using a combination of ground waste glass and fly ash as a replacement for Portland cement in the manufacture of mortar. Ground waste glass with an average ... -
Competitive positioning in United States construction industry
(Asce-Amer Soc Civil Engineers, 2002)The concept of competitive positioning is explored in the context of the United States construction industry along two dimensions-scope and mode of competition. The effects of competitive positioning on construction company ... -
The use of industrial wastes in adobe stabilization
(2005)Kerpicin zayıf yönü basınç dayanımının ve suya karşı direncinin az olmasıdır. Bu çalışmada kerpicin özelliklerini geliştirmek ve zayıf yönlerini kısmen de olsa giderebilmek amacı ile katkı olarak endüstriyel atık ürün olan, ... -
An alternative approach for analysis of traditional shopping spaces and a case study on Balikesir
(2005)One of the most salient features of traditional shopping spaces is the association between urban fabric and social structure. However, today’s shopping spaces are dislocated towards the new shopping complexes outskirts of ... -
Reinterpretation of urban fabric in contemporary shopping centres
(2005)Bu çalışma, çağdaş alışveriş merkezlerini kamusal ortamı etkin bir alışveriş ortamına indirgeyen küresel sosyo-ekonomik sistemin mekansal araçları olarak, eleştirel açıdan inceler. Modern öncesi dönemde alışveriş, doğal ... -
The quest for integrated desing system: A brieef survey of past and current efforts
(2007)Mimarların daha “kaliteli” binaları daha kısa sürede tasarlamalarına yardımcı olmak yapım sektörüne yönelik geliştirilen bilgisayar destekli teknolojilerin ana hedefidir. Mimarların tasarımlarını sadece çizmek değil, yapım ... -
Usability of fly ash and phosphogypsum in manufacturing of building products
(2007)Bu çalışmada uçucu kül, kireç ve fosfoalçı kullanılarak uçucu kül-kireç-fosfoalçı esaslı bir bağlayıcı üretilmiştir. 28 günlük numunelerin su emme, kuru birim ağırlık, basınç ve çekme dayanımları tayin edilmiştir. Deney ... -
Mimari tasarım sürecinde son ürünün değerlendirilmesi: Bir bulanık karar verme modeli
(2012)Bu çalışma, mimari tasarım alternatiflerinin ürün bazında değerlendirilmesine yardımcı bir bulanık çok ölçütlü karar verme modelinin geliştirilmesi ile ilgilidir. Geliştirilen modelin potansiyelleri, mimari tasarım eğitimi ... -
Metropolis filmi: aydınlanmanın diyalektiği, modernite, mit ve modern mimari
(2013)Theodor Adorno ve Max Horkheimer, ‘Aydınlanma’nın Diyalektiği: Felsefi Fragmanlar’ (1947) adlı yapıtlarında, Aydınlanma projesinin yapısı gereği totaliter olduğunu ve mitolojiyi insan düşüncesinden kovmuş olmasına rağmen ... -
Gender and urban space: An examination of a small Anatolian city
(2014)Public spaces can be defned as places of interaction, social encounter and exchange where groups with different interests converge. Accessible and open to everyone, they are designed for a variety of uses where people ... -
Historic city centers under threat: The case of Sharjah, UAE
(2014)In 1998, UNESCO selected the Emirate of Sharjah as the cultural capital of the Arab World. At present though, Sharjah’s historic center (Al Mureijah and Al Shueiyheen) is suffering from traffic congestion and environmental ...