Investigation of the structural and luminescence properties of Li3 Y2 (BO3 )3 synthesized by solid-state reactions
A new binary metal borate compound, trilithiumdiyttriumorthoborate, Li3
was successfully synthesized by a solid-state reaction at 1000 °C using the initial
reactants of Li2
, Y2
, and H3
(molar ratio in the order; 1.5:1:3). The phase,
crystallinity and size distribution of Li3
was investigated by X-Ray Powder
Diffraction (XRD) and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). It was found that
single phase Li3
crystallizes in orthorhombic crystal with refined unit cell
parameters of a=8.9228, b=9.5840, c=20.4469Å, Z=9 and represent the space group
of Pmmm. Average particle size was calculated as 70 nm by Scherrer’s equation.
The luminescence properties of Li3
were investigated by using steady state
photoluminescence (PL) measurement as a function of temperature between 10 to
300 K. It was observed that the spectra are dominated with the transitions in the visible
part of spectrum related to defects present in compound. A relatively low intensity
band-to-band transition was also observed at high energy side of the spectrum centred
at around 3.33 eV. This peak was decomposed into two close peaks at 3.32 and 3.35
eV using Gaussian fitting. From the temperature behaviour of peak energies of these
emissions, the band gap of Li3
was estimated to be 3.35 eV for the first time.