A scale development study to use the flipped classroom model in mathematics education
Abstract – In this study, it was aimed to develop a valid and reliable scale to evaluate the use of the Flipped
Classroom Model in secondary school mathematics teaching. The study design was determined as a survey
design. In the process of developing the scale, an item pool was first created and expert opinion was obtained.
Adjustments were made according to the opinions of experts. The study group was determined by simple random
sampling and the application was carried out with a total of 871 middle school students from grades 5, 6, 7, and
8. According to the data obtained, validity and reliability analyses of the scale were conducted with SPSS and
AMOS programs. The Flipped Classroom Model Evaluation (FCME) Scale consists of two subscales: the
“Evaluation of Teaching Conducted with Video Lessons” (ETCVL) subscale and the “Evaluation of Teaching
Conducted with Face-to-Face Lessons” (ETCFFL) subscale. As a result of the analyses, the FCME scale
consisting of 32 items in total was developed. The reliability coefficient of the ETCVL subscale was .846, the
reliability coefficient of the ETCFFL subscale was .775 and the reliability coefficient of the scale as a whole was
.886. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that the FCME Scale is valid and reliable.