Subalpine ecosystem and possible impact of climate change on vegetation of Kaz Mountain (Mount Ida-NW Turkey)
Kaz Mountain (Mt. Ida) is located in the south of the Biga Peninsula in the northwest Turkey. The mountain lies along the southwest-northeast direction and its summit has an elevation of 1774 m. Ecological conditions of the subalpine zone around the summit of this high mountainous area and vegetation features were examined in this study. During the preparation phase, literature review was carried out. In addition, data on the natural environmental features of the area were collected, processed, and analyzed. Fieldwork was conducted in the area in different seasons. Plant species and vegetation periods were determined and species were photographed on site. Plant species in the subalpine zone were listed and classified based on their features, and data obtained from field observations. The vegetation in the fieldwork area consists of three groups, which are (a) degraded coniferous trees, (b) woody bushes and polster plants, and (c) herbaceous species. Climate, elevation, and the bedrock are the main elements that determine these features. There is a difference between the natural features of the north and south slopes. Black pines of the summit area are striking in that they got shorter and deformed. The juniper is another woody plant in the area. Herbaceous and geophytic species are common in the subalpine zone. Among them are endemic and endangered species. The potential impact of a climate change on the floristic diversity in the Kaz Mountain could be significant. In case of global climate warming, the subalpine zone will disappear. The species such as Fagus orientalis, Abies nordmanniana ssp. equi-trojani, Pinus nigra grow in cold and humid conditions will have to migrate or extinct. The lower limit of this zone will move higher, and its area will get narrower. The vegetation on the northern slopes will lose its hygrophilous characteristics, and the flora will be deprived of its richness.