Fatty acid composition of seeds of some species of Nepeta L.
The fatty acid compositions of Nepeta viscida, N. cilicica, N. crinita, N. nuda ssp. glandulifera and N. aristata were analyzed by GC/MS. The main free fatty acids were found as linolenic acid (49.8 - 58.5%), linoleic acid (10.9 - 23.5%), oleic acid (11.5 - 19.2%), palmitic acid (5.2 - 6.8%) and stearic acid (2.0 - 3.7%) and, total fatty acid compositions of species were analyzed and results were found as 36.2 - 49.8%, 17.1 - 25.8%, 15.4 - 25.8%, 6.4 - 7.8%, and 2.7 - 4.1%, respectively.