Food tourism: A practical marketing guide
This book is a new welcome addition to food tourism practice and literature. The book has ten sec-tions, divided into four parts. In the first part, the authors present an introductory chapter followed bya chapter titled ‘‘The Changing Tourists’’. This chapter clearly explains the current food tourism play-ground in terms of the recent changes and developments taking place in tourism and food tourismactivities. The second part contains four chapters: ‘‘On-Farm Marketing and Activities’’, ‘‘Off-FarmMarketing and Retailing’’, ‘‘Agri-Entertainment’’, and ‘‘Agri-Tourism and Accommodation’’. These fourchapters explain marketing and management activities under major classifications of food tourism.Part Three starts with an examination of marketing and management activities in ‘‘IndependentGarden Centres and Nurseries’’ focuses on the design and presentation of the food offer. Part Four con-cludes with overall marketing activities, and the future of food tourism.Book Reviews /Annals of Tourism Research 54 (2015) 222–242233