Güncel Gönderiler: Veteriner Fakültesi
Toplam kayıt 420, listelenen: 81-100
Influence of Lactobacillus plantarum administration on some serum|tissue (uterus) antioxidant and cytokine levels in female rats exposed to cadmium (Cd)
(2023)The study aimed to investigate the effects of oral Lactobacillus plantarum (Lp) administration on some serum/tissue (uterus) antioxidant and cytokine levels as well as histopathologic changes in female rats exposed chronically ... -
Arterial vascularization of the spleen in Merino sheep
(2023)In this study, it is aimed to reach detailed information about the anatomy of arteries in the sheep spleen, which can be used as an example and model for the success of planned or emergency surgical interventions related ... -
Aksaray Malaklı köpeklerinde tibia ve interkondiler genişlik indeksi üzerine morfometrik bir çalışma
(2023)Bu çalışma Aksaray Malaklı köpeklerinde tibia ve interkondiler genişlik indeksinin belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Çalışmada 6 erkek ve 6 dişi olmak üzere toplamda 12 adet erişkin Aksaray Malaklı ırkı köpeğin toplam 14 ... -
Iğdır yöresindeki koyunlarda Schmallenberg virus enfeksiyonunun belirlenmesi
(2023)Bu çalışmada, Iğdır ilinde yetiştirilen Morkaraman ırkı atık yapmış ve Brucella Spp. yönünden negatif koyunlarda, Schmallenberg virus enfeksiyonu varlığının indirekt ELISA yöntemi ile ortaya konulması amaçlanmıştır. Bu ... -
Evaluation of different stocking densities on fattening performance, slaughter, carcass, meat quality characteristics, and fatty acid composition in New Zealand rabbits
(2023)The aim of the research was to investigate the effects of different stocking densities on fattening performance, slaughter, carcass, meat quality characteristics, and fatty acid composition in New Zealand rabbits raised ... -
The effect of different management systems and racing on the stress level of arabian horses
(2023)Considering the stud farms and hippodromes, there are differences between them both in terms of management systems. The study population consisted of 40 Arabian mares. The breeding systems of horses at the stud farm and ... -
Total antioxidant, total oxidant and oxidative stress levels in free-living birds
(2023)Antioxidants provide protection against free radicals formed as a result of increased metabolism in living organisms and the damage these radicals cause to the cell. For this reason, determining the antioxidant levels can ... -
Chemical composition of meat from different species of animals
(2023)The study aimed to comparatively examine meats in terms of chemical composition originating from beef, lamb, chicken, and rabbit consumed in Türkiye and to reveal their superior aspects compared to each other and also to ... -
The preparation of liposomal formulations of gentamicin and ceftiofur used in veterinary medicine
(2023)Objective: The aim of this study is to produce liposomal drugs that are scarcely found in veterinary medicine. Therefore, the current study was designed to produce liposomal formulations of ceftiofur and gentamicin for ... -
Etlik piliç karma yemlerinde ham gliserin kullanımı
(2023)Artan dünya nüfusuna bağlı olarak enerji ihtiyacı da artmaktadır. Ancak fosil yakıtlar artan ihtiyacı karşılayamamakta ve alternatif arayışına sebep olmaktadır. Biyodizel akaryakıt olarak kullanılabilen, alternatif bir ... -
Deneysel diyabet oluşturulan ratlarda finasteridenin oksidatif stres ve apoptozis üzerine etkileri
(2023)Diyabet insülinin etkisiz kalması veya insülin eksikliği sonucu oluşan günümüzün en önemli sağlık sorunlarından biridir. Hiperglisemi oksidatif stress ve antioksidan arasındaki dengeyi bozmaktadır. Bu çalışmada ratlarda ... -
Sıcaklık stresine maruz bırakılmış damızlık erkek bıldırcınlarda diyete katılan meyan kökünün (glycyrrhiza glabra) bazı antioksidan parametreler ve organ ağırlıkları üzerine etkileri
(2023)Bu çalışmada sıcaklık stresine maruz bırakılmış damızlık erkek bıldırcınlarda (Coturnix coturnix japonica) diyete katılan meyan kökünün (Glycyrrhiza glabra) bazı antioksidan parametreler ve organ ağırlıkları üzerine etkileri ... -
Investigation of the morphologic and scanned electron microscopic properties of wild boar bristles in the Balikesir region
(2023)Objective: Determination of species from animal hair is an effective method in veterinary forensic investigations, research, endangered species and prevention of poaching. Since the bristles are resistant to deterioration, ... -
A study on morphological and morphometrical parameters on the skull of the Konya Merino Sheep
(2023)Objective: In this study, it was aimed to determine the craniometric measurements of the skull of the Konya Merino breed and to reveal the differences between it and other sheep breeds. Material-Method: For this study, ... -
Effect of exogenous melatonin on metabolic profile and reproductive performance in undernourished suckling Merino ewes in the early postpartum period
(2023)This study aimed to determine whether serum metabolite and hormones of ewes with low body condition scores subjected to the melatonin plus progesterone-based protocol (MPE) would be similar to a single progesterone-based ... -
Comparison of carcass characteristics, meat quality, and fatty acid composition in slow- and fast-growing broilers at different slaughter weights
(2023)This study aimed to compare the slaughter, meat quality characteristics, and fatty acid composition of fast-growing (FAG) and slow-growing (SWG) broilers at different slaughter weights. In the experiments, a total of 90 ... -
Investigation of microorganism contamination points in beekeeping equipments with clinical signs of foulbrood in apiaries
(2023)The goal of this study was to determine whether colonies with clinical signs of foulbrood in apiaries and hive tools, smokers, gloves, feeders and beekeeper's veils used in the same colonies were a reservoir source for ... -
Morfometrik ve geometrik morfometrik yöntemlerinin veterinerlik anatomisi alanında kullanımı
(2023)Materyaller üzerinde kullanılan araçlar ile uzunluk, açı gibi parametrelerin ölçüldüğü ve sonuçların istatiksel analizini kapsayan yöntem morfometridir. Morfometrik yöntemler şeklin konu edinildiği birçok alanda ve çeşitli ... -
Harpagophytum procumbens ekstraktının klinik kullanımı
(2023)Günümüzde tedavide kullanılan ilaçların bazılarının yan etkileri ve toksisiteleri nedeniyle fitoterapi ve doğal tedavilere yönelim artmıştır. Tıbbi ve aromatik bitkiler içerisinde yer alan Harpagophytum procumbens (HP), ... -
Virological and pathological investigation of Canine parvovirus-2 (CPV-2) with the assessment of the genetic variability of field strains
(2023)Canine parvovirus-2 (CPV-2), which is common worldwide, is a highly contagious pathogen in domestic dogs and some wild carnivore species. The agent causes a multisystemic infection in affected animals, especially acute ...