The levels of oxidative stress biomarkers and adenosine deaminase in scraping samples of patient with alopecia areata
Background:Alopecia areata is an autoim-mun disease. The pathological mechanismsof disease are unclear but oxidative stressmay play a role. The aim of our study isto determine the role of oxidative stressbiomarkers and adenosine deaminase inscarping samples of patients with allopeciaareata.Method:Twenty-five patients with alopeciaareata and 20 patient with non-allopeciaareata as control group were included inthis study. In control and patient groups,oxidative stress biomarkers such as the lev-els of malondialdehyde (MDA) and gluta-thione (GSH), superoxide dismutase(SOD), catalase (CAT) in scarping sampleswere measured as spectrophotometric.Result:SOD, CAT, GSH and MDA levelsin patients with alopecia areata were higherthan those of non-alopecia areate patients.These changes were significant statiscally(P< 0.05). Besides, ADA activity wasincreased in scarping samples of patientswith allopecia areata compared to control(P< 0.05).Conclusion:Increased antioxidant enzymelevels in Alopecia areata patients may be acellular response against oxidative stress.Also, we thought that increased of adeno-sine deaminase activity in patients withAlopecia areata may cause cell damageand ADA may be increase in case of localinflammatory as in systemic inflammatorydisease.