Botulinum toxin injections for the facial region
Objective: Therapeutic use of botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) are
widely used in neurology. Local injection of BoNT is a highly
effective treatment and there is now considerably well documented
experience and knowledge of its indications, effects and safety in
clinical practice. In this study, we report our experience in BoNT use
for facial region.
Methods: Patients who have been followed at the Botulinum
Toxin Outpatient Clinic of the Neurology Department of the Istanbul
Medical School from 1996 to December 2009 are evaluated. Two
preparations of BoNT type A (Botox, Dysport) are used. The
efficacy of BoNT injections are judged as very good if the symptoms
are relieved 75-100%, as good if 50-74%, as average if 25-49% and as
insufficient if less than 25%.
Results: Two hundred ten patients (87 male) were included. The
mean age was 57,6 (range 18–88 years). The mean follow-up period was
3,9 years (range 1–12). Hundred and fourteen patients had hemifacial
spasm. Of the remaining 96, thirty had facial synkinesis, 25 blepharospasm, 9 oromandibular dystonia (OMD), 8 Meige Syndrome and 6 had
drooling. Eighteen were considered as miscellaneous (hemimasticatory
spasm, musician’s cramp, tics, hyperhidrosis etc.). A total of 1134
injections were made. The efficacy rates were high (very good and
good) in blepharospasm, Meige syndrome and HFS whereas 73,8% in
facial synkinesis, 58.8% in oromandibular dystonia and 41,7% in
drooling. Temporary weakness was the most common side effect.
Conclusion: BoNT injections are very effective for the treatment
of blepharospasm, Meige Syndrome and HFS whereas the effect is
moderate in facial synkinesis and OMD.