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dc.contributor.authorSunay, Fatma Baharen_US
dc.contributor.authorTürkoğlu, S. Aydoğanen_US
dc.contributor.authorKöçkar, Ferayen_US
dc.contributor.authorOkuyan, D.en_US
dc.descriptionSunay, Fatma Bahar (Balikesir Author)en_US
dc.description.abstractThe formation of new blood vessels from preexisting capillariesby the invasion and sprouting of the endothelial cells is called asangiogenesis. Angiogenesis is essential for tumor growth, progres-sion and metastasis. Several studies proved that the microvascu-lar intensity of the primer tumor is a very valuable prognosticdeterminant for breast, prostate and colorectal tumors. Angio-genesis is controlled by several endogenous stimulators and inhib-itors of endothelial cell growth. Among these stimulators, thevascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) owns a private valuebecause of its importance and specificity in angiogenesis. As aresult, suppression of the signal produced by VEGF inhibitsangiogenesis and reduces tumor severity. The first describedmember of the ADAMTS (a disintegrin and metalloproteinasewith thrombospondin) family, ADAMTS-1, is an endogenousinhibitor of the angiogenesis. It is demonstrated that ADAMTS-1 binds and sequestrates VEGF and this results with the suppres-sion of endothelial cell proliferation. There are several studiesabout the expression of ADAMTS-1 in different tissues and celllines. The aim of this study was to determine the expression ofADAMTS-1 in breast, prostate and colorectal cancer cell linesnamely MCF-7, DU-145, PC-3 and HT-29. The expression of theVEGF was also determined for the same cells. Total cellularRNAs were prepared from MCF-7, DU-145, PC-3 and HT-29cells and subjected to RT-PCR using ADAMTS-1 and VEGFprimers. GAPDH amplification was carried out as a positive con-trol. VEGF expression was detected in all cells. ADAMTS-1expression was also detected in PC-3 cell line.en_US
dc.titleThe expressions of ADAMTS-1 and VEGF inDU-145, PC-3, MCF-7 and HT-29 cell linesen_US
dc.relation.journalFebs Journalen_US
dc.contributor.departmentTıp Fakültesien_US

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