Güncel Gönderiler: Araştırma Çıktıları | WoS
Toplam kayıt 5535, listelenen: 701-720
A comparison of the muscle activation, proprioception and anthropometric characteristics of the dominant and non-dominant wrists
(Dokuz Eylül Univ Inst Health Sciences, 2022)Purpose: Manual asymmetry refers to tendency that is in favor of hand to perform manual tasks requiring skills, it is important in every sensory and motor function. This study aimed to compare the muscle activation, ... -
A mosquito survey of culicidae species at Edirne central district for disease vector
(Trakya Univ Balkan Yerleşkesi Enstitüler Binası, 2022)Mosquitoes are the major vectors that can transmit many diseases agents to humans and animals. This study was conducted in Edirne central district between July 2017 and July 2018 to identify important mosquito vector ... -
Effect of antenatal educational intervention on maternal breastfeeding self-efficacy and breastfeeding success: a quasi-experimental study
(Univ Sao Paolo, 2022)Objective: To examine the effect of breastfeeding educational intervention given in the antenatal period on LATCH and breastfeeding self-efficacy scores. Method: A total of 80 pregnant who met the research criteria were ... -
Olguların ağız tadıyla ifadesi: Türk halk kültüründe acı, tatlı, ekşi ve tuzlu
(Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd Stl, 2022)Acı, tatlı, ekşi ve tuzlu kavramları 4 temel tat ögesi olarak yiyeceklerin lezzetlerinin ifade edilmesinde önemli bir yere sahiptir. Söz konusu kavramlara, tat öğeleri olarak sahip oldukları anlamların ötesinde, Türk halk ... -
Dynamic analysis of a fractional svir system modeling an infectious disease
(Univ Nis, 2022)Infectious diseases that spread by microorganisms, viruses and bacteria that can be transmitted very quickly from person to person and have negative effect on public health should be treated as soon as possible. In order ... -
Efficient solution of fractional-order SIR epidemic model of childhood diseases with optimal homotopy asymptotic method
(IEEE-Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2022)In providing an accurate approximate analytical solution to the non-linear system of fractional-order susceptible-infected-recovered epidemic model (FOSIREM) of childhood disease has been a challenge, because no norm to ... -
Hovgaard ve Horseshoe adaları (Antarktika Yarımadası) çevresindeki güncel denizel ostrakodlar (crustacea)
(TMMOB Jeoloji Mühendisleri Odası, 2022)Antarktika Kıtası’nın kuzeybatısında gerçekleştirilen II. Türk Antarktika Sefereri (TAE-II) rotası üzerinde King George ve Horseshoe adaları arasında, -20 ile -60 m derinliklerde yedi ayrı lokasyondan 12 adet kepçe numunesi ... -
New chromosomal data and karyological relationships in geranium: Basic number alterations, dysploidy, polyploidy, and karyotype asymmetry
(Inst Tecnologia Parana, 2022)Chromosomal data and karyological relationships provides valuable contributions to understanding speciation and karyotypic phylogeny. Because of the large number of species, wide distribution, morphological differences and ... -
Göç oranı ve göç aralığı değerlerinin yanıt yüzeyi yöntemi ile belirlenmesi: Paralel göçmen kuşlar optimizasyon algoritması örneği
(Gazi Univ, 2022)Göç, ada temelli paralel metasezgisel optimizasyon algoritmalarının başarılı sonuçlar üretmesini sağlayan başlıca işlem adımıdır. Göç parametreleri olan göç oranı (MR) ve göç aralığının (MI) doğru belirlenmesi algoritmanın ... -
Zincirlemeli masalların tekerlemelerle olan yapısal benzerliği üzerine bir değerlendirme
(Geleneksel Yayıncılık Ltd Stl, 2022)Zincirlemeli masallar; Stith Thompson’un masal tasnifinde, hayvan masalları, asıl halk masalları ve güldürücü hikâyelerden sonra 2000-2399 numaralar arasında yer alan ve kendine has özellikleri olan anlatılardır. Zincirlemeli ... -
Glutamate receptor antagonist suppresses the activation of nesfatin-1 neurons following refeeding or glucose administration
(Via Medica, 2022)Background: Nesfatin-1 is a newly identified satiety peptide that has regulatory effects on food intake and glucose metabolism, and is located in the hypothalamic nuclei, including the supraoptic nucleus (SON). In this ... -
Expression of the ionotropic glutamate receptors on neuronostatin neurons in the periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus
(Via Medica, 2022)Background: Neuronostatin, a newly identified peptide, is accepted as an anorex- igenic peptide since it suppresses food intake when given intracerebroventricularly. Although the effect mechanisms of neuronostatin have ... -
The influence of chitosan oligosaccharide on some hematological parameters in rats exposed to cadmium
(Univ Zagreb Vet Faculty, 2022)The aim of the study was to investigate the effects of chitosan oligosaccharide (COS) on some hematological parameters, and define the percentage of alpha-naphthyl acetate esterase (ANAE) positive lymphocytes in rats that ... -
An updated review of tetrodotoxin and its peculiarities
(MDPI, 2022)Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a crystalline, weakly basic, colorless organic substance and is one of the most potent marine toxins known. Although TTX was first isolated from pufferfish, it has been found in numerous other marine ... -
Optimization of welding job-shop scheduling problem under variable workstation constraint: An industrial application with Arena simulation based genetic algorithm
(Pamukkale Univ, 2022)Job-shop scheduling is a difficult issue for 'labor-intensive project type manufacturing'. Because in this type of production, the actual processing times are not exactly known until the production is finished and these ... -
Rotor design optimization of a synchronous generator by considering the damper winding effect to minimize THD using grasshopper optimization algorithm
(Ramazan Yaman, 2022)The aim of this study is to calculate the optimum factor levels for the design parameters namely slot pitch, center slot pitch, and damper width to keep the magnetic flux density distribution in a desired range while ... -
Macroanatomical and morphometric study on the skull bones of Aksaray Malakli dogs
(Via Medica, 2022)Background: The skull is an important anatomical structure to discern dog breeds and wolves from dogs. For this purpose, skull morphology and some morphometric measurements of Malakli dogs, a local breed in the Aksaray ... -
Farey graph and rational fixed points of the extended modular group
(Ankara Univ, 2022)Fixed points of matrices have many applications in various areas of science and mathematics. The extended modular group Gamma is the group of 2 x 2 matrices with integer entries and determinant +/- 1. There are strong ... -
Health literacy and quality of life among people in semi-urban and urban areas
(Univ Sao Paolo, 2022)Objective: to investigate health literacy level, quality of life and related factors in semi-urban and urban areas. Method: this cross-sectional study was carried out between December 2018 and February 2019 with 595 ... -
Tarhana as a food aid suggestion to the world food program
(Vup Food Research Inst, 2022)Many regions of the world still suffer from food insecurity, undernourishment and hunger problems. These problems are basically caused by a changing climate, natural disasters, depletion of natural resources, rapid population ...