Güncel Gönderiler: Yabancı Diller-Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 36, listelenen: 21-36
A Study on foreign language anxiety: The case of a Gagauzian and Turkish University
(Ege Üniversitesi Türk Dünyası Araştırmaları Enstitüsü, 2020)Anxiety is a substantial factor in learning a foreign language. Sometimes it even can block or affect the output that the student tries to produce. The findings state that students with anxiety demonstrate poor performance ... -
Testing of support tools for plagiarism detection
(Springer, 2020)There is a general belief that software must be able to easily do things that humans find difficult. Since finding sources for plagiarism in a text is not an easy task, there is a wide-spread expectation that it must be ... -
Foreign language teachers' perceptions of error correction in speaking classes: a qualitative study
(Nova Southeastern Univ, 2017)Limited studies have been conducted on the effects of error correction on acquiring oral proficiency and the teacher's role as error corrector. Thus, the present study aims to investigate English as a foreign language (EFL) ... -
An experimental study on the effects of the use of blogs on EFL reading comprehension
(Routledge Journals, 2017)Few findings were noted on the effects of blogs specifically on English as a foreign language (EFL) reading comprehension. However, those studies did not address the effect of blogs on reading comprehension in the Turkish ... -
A scale development study to measure smartphone satisfactions of adolescents
(Online Journal Communıcation & Media Technologies-OJCMT, 2016)Smartphones are the most popular technological devices which enable the users to do multiple things at once such as connecting Internet, gaming, messaging, e-mailing and taking photographs in one device. In recent years, ... -
Promoting EFL learners' intercultural communication effectiveness: a focus on facebook
(Routledge Journals, 2017)One of the main purposes of foreign language teaching is currently identified by many researchers as developing intercultural communicative competence (ICC) of foreign language learners. Facebook is one of the easiest and ... -
Blogging effect on english as a foreign language writing motivation: blogging and writing motivation
(Igi Global, 2017)Not many studies have been present on the effects of blogging, particularly with respect to English as a Foreign Language (EFL) writing motivation. Those studies did not focus on the effect of the use of blogs on Turkish ... -
Classroom management problems pre-service teachers encounter in ELT
(SciencePark Science, Organization and Counseling, 2018)Different ideas and different perspectives on classroom management have long been debated. This study opens a new horizon in classroom management issue by shedding light on the classroom management problems and strategies ... -
Bilingualism and comparison of the attitudes of the learners towards foreign language learning
(Modern Journal Language Teaching Methods, 2018)Bilingualism elicits debates on its importance or disadvantages. Opinions vary based on language orientation of people, their nationality and the perceived opinions. This research was done to look at the opinions of scholars ... -
Determining the social appearance anxiety levels of the students participating in school sports in different branches
(Drustvo Pedagoga Tjelesne & Zdravstvene Kulture, 2018)The purpose of this study is to determine the social appearance anxiety levels of students participating in school sports in different branches. The research was conducted in Balikesir province during 2016-2017 academic ... -
The relationship between the big five personality traits and language learning strategies
(2014)Problem Durumu: Kişilik ve dil öğrenme stratejilerinin ilişkisi üzerine temellendirilmiş çalışmalar tutarsız sonuçlar ortaya koymuşlardır. Bu ikilinin ilişkisini bulmaya yönelik olan çalışma sayısı oldukça azdır. Buna ek ... -
Die defizithypothese von bernstein und die sprachliche verschiedenheit der Türkischen kinder in Deutschland
(2015)Das Hauptziel dieser Studie ist die Untersuchung und Auseinandersetzung der sprachlichen Verschiedenheit von türkischen Migrantenkindern am Ende der Grundschulzeit in Deutschland in Bezug auf die Defizithypothese von ... -
Dilin gücü: Martin Crimp’in The Country (Kir) eserini Mourdieu ile okumak
(2016)Günümüz İngiliz tiyatro yazarı Martin Crimp'in tiyatro eserlerinin olay örgüsü, karakter, zaman, mekân ve dil gibi alanlarda okuyucu ve izleyicileri zorlamaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı Crimp'in The Country eserinde dil ve ... -
Christoph Ransmayr’in “Morbus Kitahara“ adlı eserinde toplumsal değişimin ve bireysel çöküşün edebiyat sosyolojisi kapsamında incelenmesi
(2017)Edebiyat sosyolojisi, geniş anlamıyla, edebiyat ve toplum arasındaki ilişkiyi ortaya koymaya çalışmaktadır. Edebiyat biliminin kendisini giderek kültür bilimi olarak tanımlamaya çalıştığı dönemlerde, edebiyat sosyolojisine ... -
Christoph Ransmayr’ın Son Dünya romanında büyülü gerçekçilik
(2017)Genel olarak postmodern sanat anlayışıyla birlikte kullanılan büyülü gerçekçilik, yirminci yüzyıl Latin Amerikan edebiyatında ortaya çıkan bir akımdır. Mucizelerin ve olağanüstü olayların, alışılagelmiş olaylar biçiminde ... -
The relationship between occupational stress and teacher self-efficacy: a study with EFL instructors
(2018)Considering the effects of stress and self-efficacy on teachers, the purpose of this study was twofold; a) to discover the relationship between perceived occupational stress and self-efficacy beliefs of Turkish EFL ...