Isolation and identification of soilborne fungi in fields irrigated by GAP in Harran Plain using two isolation methods
Harran Ovası GAP sulama alanı içerisinde kalan ve sulamaya alınan tarla topraklarından alınan 105 toprak örneğinin Toprağı Sulandırma ve Toprağı Yıkama metodlarıyla kalitatif ve kantitatif olarak incelenmesi sonucu toplam 1690 mikrofungus izolatı elde edilmiştir. Bu izolatların teşhislerinin yapılması sonucu 109 tür ayrıca 16 farklı steril mikrofungus elde edilmiştir. Bu taksonların 62 tanesi Toprağı Sulandırma, 7 tanesi Toprağı Yıkama, 40 tanesi ise her iki metodla da elde edilmiştir. Bunlardan 10 tanesi Mucorales, 4 tanesi Sphaeriales, 1 tanesi Coelomycetes ve 94 tanesi Hyphomycetes takımlarına aittir. Elde edilen cinsler arasında Toprağı Sulandırma metoduna göre en yaygın cinsler sırasıyla Penicillium Link ex Gray (24 tür), Aspergillus Mich, ex Fr (20 tür) ve Acremonium Link ex Fr. (9 tür)'dur. En yaygın türler ise Aspergillus niger Tiegh. (284 koloni), Penicillium lanosum Westling (238 koloni), Penicillium canescens Sopp. (170 koloni), Pénicillium brevicompactum Dierckx (174 koloni) ve Penicillium clavigerum Demelius (146 koloni)'dur. Toprağı Sulandırma metoduna göre 1 g fırın kuru toprağa karşılık gelen taze toprakta ortalama 72487 birim mikrofungus bulunmuştur. The microfungal flora of field soils irrigated by the South-eastern Anatolia Project (GAP: Güneydoğu Anadolu Projesi) in Harran Plain were investigated in terms of quality and quantity, using the soil dilution plate and soil washing methods. A total of 1690 microfungi were isolated from 105 soil samples. With the identification of these isolates, 109 species plus 16 different sterile fungi were identified. Sixty-two of these taxa were isolated through the soil dilution plate method, seven through the soil washing method, and 40 through both methods. The results indicate that ten of these species belong to Mucorales, four to Sphaeriales, one to Coelomycetes and 94 to Hyphomycetes. The most widespread genera were Penicillium Link ex Gray (24 species), Aspergillus Mich, ex Fr. (20 species), and Acremonium Link ex Fr. with the soil dilution plate method. The most common species were Aspergillus n/gerTiegh. (284 colonies). Penicillium lanosum Westling (238 colonies), Penicillium canescens Sopp. (170 colonies), Penicillium brevicompactum Dierckx (174 colonies) and Penicillium clavigerum Demelius (146 colonies). The results obtained from the soil dilution plate method show that fresh soil bulk equivalent to 1 g of oven-dried soil contains on average 72 487 propagules.
Turkish Journal of BotanyCilt
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