The role of positive family relationships and spousal support in breastfeeding self-efficacy and success of mothers in the early postpartum period
Aim:This study aimed to determine the relationship between mothers' positive family relation-ships, spousal support, and other factors with breastfeeding success and breastfeeding self-efficacy in the early postpartum period. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted in the largest maternity hospital in a city in the western part of Turkey. The sample consisted of 532 women and their babies who met the sam-pling criteria. As data collection tools, descriptive data form, Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (BSES), and LATCH Breastfeeding Assessment Tool were used. Results: BSES and LATCH mean scores of primiparous mothers were found to be lower, while the mean BSES and LATCH scores of mothers without postpartum health problems were higher. The LATCH mean score of the mothers who received prenatal care during pregnancy was higher. The mean BSES scores of mothers who had a positive relationship with their spouse, their own family, and their spouse's family, who received sufficient support from their spouse regarding baby care, and who were not stressed higher. However, these variables did not affect the LATCH score. It was found that as the BSES scores of the mothers increased, their breastfeeding success also increased. Conclusion:The results of this study may be a guide for healthcare professionals who provide breastfeeding counseling services to the mother during the perinatal period. In order to increase breastfeeding success, mothers' breast-feeding experience should be questioned, prenatal care should be provided, postnatal health problems should be eliminated, and mothers' self-efficacy levels should be increased.