Context Sensitive Links 1 of 1 Assessment of morphological variation between stocks of bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Actinopterygii, Perciformes, Pomatomidae), in the Aegean Sea, Black Sea, and Sea of Marmara
The population structure of the bluefish, Pomatomus saltatrix (Linnaeus, 1766), in Turkish waters is scarcely described in the literature. To identify any distinct population units of bluefish, and reaffirm the findings of a previous study, four areas were selected: the Aegean Sea, western Black Sea, eastern Black Sea, and the Sea of Marmara. In this study, truss network morphometrics, meristics, and otolith shape analyses were successfully applied for different population identification of the bluefish. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) revealed no differences for truss network morphometrics, meristic, and otolith shape characters between males and females. Hence, both sexes were combined for the discriminant function (DFA) and the Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Using univariate ANOVA based on the stepwise method revealed a highly significant difference among different locations for each truss-morphometrics and otolith shape characters. Furthermore, six out of seven meristic characters also showed significant differences between different areas. Based on PCA, 25 out of 27 truss-morphometric characters had a loading value above 0.70, which was considered significant in this study. The results of DFA show clear patterns of truss-morphometric character variations, forming four distinct clusters that were well separated from each other, indicating the existence of four morphologically differentiated populations of the bluefish. The proportion of the correctly classified Aegean Sea, western Black Sea, and eastern Black Sea bluefish samples to their original groups were 100%, demonstrating clear separation of these stocks from each other. Whereas up to 5% of the total samples of the Sea of Marmara were incorrectly classified, assigning to the eastern Black Sea. These findings were supported by meristic and otolith shape characters that also indicated four morphologically differentiated populations of the bluefish. However, their overall proportion of correct classification was relatively lower than the truss- morphometric traits method. The findings suggest the requirement of strategic assessment and management of each bluefish stock separately to use them sustainably in the future.