Dystocia caused by spinal paraplegia in a cat with superfetation
Dystocia is commonly encountered gynecological problem
in veterinary medicine. The cause of dystocia is usually
maternally fractured pelvis, inadequate uterine contractions,
etc.; fetally it is caused by oversized fetus, fetal malpresentation, malformations and deaths [1]. Although
superfetation is generally not common, it describes the
mating and fertilization if a pregnant female shows an
estrus again [1,2]. En-block overiohystectomy is a safe and
effective alternative technique that allows cesarean and
sterilization in cats and dogs with dystocia [1]. As reported
in humans, the spinal paraplegia may lead to in the motor
activity of abdominal muscles and in the autonomic
nervous system, which prevents the normal birth process[3].
In this presented case, it has been emphasized that
dystocia due to spinal paraplegia can be observed in cats,
and superfetation is possible in paralyzed cats mated at
different times.