Güncel Gönderiler: Matematik-Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 499, listelenen: 481-499
State-space solutions to standard H∞ control problem
(2003)Simple state-space formulas are derived for all controllers solving a standard H∞ problem. In this paper, we assume that the systems are finite dimension, continuous-time, linear and time-invariant. There are efficient ... -
On Some Class of Hypersurfaces in En+1 Satisfying Chen’s Equality
(2002)In this paper we study pseudosymmetry type hypersurfaces in the Euclidean space E n+1 satisfying B. Y. Chen’s equality -
The P-Cockcroft property of the graph product
(2004)Baik - Howie - Pride, vertex gruplarının graph çarpımının bir gösterimi P olmak üzere $\pi_2$(P) ye ait üreteç resimlerinin bir kümesini tanımlamıştı, [2]. Bu çalışmada bunun bir uygulaması olarak, p asal veya sıfır olmak ... -
The discriminant of second fundamental form
(2007)Bu çalışmada, ikinci temel formun diskriminantı gözönünde bulunduruldu. $\Bbb{E}^4$ de Vranceanu yüzeyinin sıfır diskriminantlı olması için gerekli koşul verildi. -
On decidability results of the holomorph of a finite cyclic group
(2008)As a next step of the result in paper [1, Theorem 3.1], we study double coset separability, residually finitely and solvability of the power problem of holomorph of a finite cyclic group of order $2^t (tin Z^+)$ in this paper. -
Trace classes and fixed points for the extended modular group Γ
(2008)The extended modular group $\overline\Gamma$ = PGL(2,$\Bbb{Z}$) is the group obtained by adding the reflection R(z) = 1/$\overline z$ to the generators of the modular group $\overline\Gamma$ = PSL(2,$\Bbb{Z}$). In this ... -
Generalized Bruck-Reilly *-extension as a new example of a monoid with a non-finitely generated group of units
(2010)We present a new example of a #8230;nitely presented monoid, namely Bruck-Reilly extension of generalized Bruck-Reilly *-extension of free group with in #8230;nite rank, the group of units of which is not #8230;nitely generated. -
On canal surfaces in 3
(2010)In this paper we deal with the geometric properties of canal surfaces in $Bbb{E}^ 3$. Further, the first and second fundamental form of canal surfaces are presented. By the use of the second fundamental form, the Gaussian ... -
Solving NLP problems with dynamic system approach based on smoothed penalty function
(2009)In this work, a dynamical system approach for solving nonlinear programming (NLP) problem based on a smoothed penalty function is investigated. The proposed approach shows that an equilibrium point öf the dynamic ... -
Rotational embeddings in $Bbb{E}^4$ with pointwise 1-type gauss map
(2011)In the present article we study the rotational embedded surfaces in $Bbb{E}^4$ . The rotational embedded surface was first studied by G. Ganchev and V. Milousheva as a surface in $Bbb{E}^4$ . The Otsuki (non-round) sphere ... -
Contact CR-warped product submanifolds in generalized Sasakian space forms
(2012)We consider a contact CR-warped product submanifold M = $M_Tx _f M_{\bot}$ of a trans-Sasakian generalized Sasakian space form $\widetilde{M}(f_{1,} f_{2,}f_3)$. We show that M is a contact CR-product under certain conditions. -
Mixed modulus of continuity in the Lebesgue spaces with Muckenhoupt weights and their properties
(2016)Main properties of the mixed modulus of continuity in the Lebesgue spaces with Muckenhoupt weights are investigated. We use the mixed modulus of continuity to obtain Potapov type direct and inverse estimates of angular ... -
Analyze the optimal solutions of optimization problems by means of fractional gradient based system using VIM
(2016)In this paper, a class of Nonlinear Programming problem is modeled with gradient basedsystem of fractional order differential equations in Caputo's sense. To see the overlap between theequilibrium point of the fractional ... -
A presentation and some finiteness conditions for a new version of the Schützenberger product of monoids
(2016)In this paper we first define a new version of the Sch¨utzenberger product for any two monoids A and B , and then, by defining a generating and relator set, we present some finite and infinite consequences of the main ... -
On some properties of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials
(2017)In this paper we investigate some properties of generalized Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials. We give some new identities using matrices and Laplace expansion for the generalized Fibonacci and Lucas polynomials. Also, we ... -
Canal surfaces in 4-dimensional euclidean space
(2017)In this paper, we study canal surfaces imbedded in 4-dimensional EuclideanspaceE4. We investigate these surface curvature properties with respect to thevariation of the normal vectors and ellipse of curvature. Some special ... -
An application of soft set and fuzzy soft set theories to stock management
(2017)Bu çalı¸smada stok durumlarının etkili bir ¸sekilde yönetimi probleminin çözümünde,esnek ve bulanık esnek kümelerin kullanılmasına ili¸skin bir uygulama verilmi¸stir. ?Ilk hafta(veya ilk ay) sonunda, esnek küme teorisinin ... -
An application of soft Set and fuzzy soft Set theories to stock management
(2017)We give a new application of both notions of a soft set and of a fuzzy soft set to the effective management of stock-out situation. We construct a model to track the remaining raw materials in stock at the end of the first ...