Güncel Gönderiler: Matematik-Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 503, listelenen: 201-220
Uniform convergence of bieberbach polynomials in closed radon domains
(2003)Recently, the classical Mergelyan's estimation about the uniform convergence of the Bieberbach polynomials to the conformai mapping in a closed domain with a smooth boundary was improved by ourselves. In this study this ... -
On the principal congruence subgroups of the Hecke-group H(√5)
(2004)Using the notion of quadratic reciprocity, we discuss the principal congruence subgroups of the Hecke group H(√5). -
On a class of generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds
(2006)In this study, we find the necessary conditions in order that a special class of generalized quasi-Einstein manifolds to be pseudo Riccisymmetric and R-harmonic. We also consider these type manifolds with cyclic parallel ... -
Hilbert functions of Gorenstein monomial curves
(American Mathematical Society, 2007)It is a conjecture due to M. E. Rossi that the Hilbert function of a one-dimensional Gorenstein local ring is non-decreasing. In this article, we show that the Hilbert function is non-decreasing for local Gorenstein rings ... -
Applications of k-fibonacci numbers for the starlike analytic functions
(Hacettepe Univ, 2015)The k-Fibonacci numbers F-k,F-n (k > 0), defined recursively by F-k; 0 = 0; F-k,F-1 = 1 and F-k,F-n = k F-k,F-n + F(k, n-1)1 for n >= 1 are used to define a new class SLk. The purpose of this paper is to apply properties ... -
The isomorphism between two fundamental groups by Cayley graphs
(2008)Let G1 and G2 be two finite groups and let Cay(G1, S1) and Cay(G2, S2) be the corresponding Cayley graphs of these groups, respectively. By [2] and [8], one can define the fundamental group π1 (Γ, v) by using any connected ... -
The extended hecke groups as semi-direct products and related results
(2008)The extended Hecke groups H̄(λq) have been worked in (Sahin and Bizim, 2003) as amalgamated free products. In this paper, we first show that H(λq) is the semi-direct product (split extension) of the Hecke group H̄(λq) by ... -
Power subgroups of the extended hecke groups
(Univ Miskolc Inst Math, 2015)We consider the extended Hecke groups (H) over bar(lambda(q)) generated by T(z) = -1/z, S(z) = -1/(z+lambda(q)) and R(z) = 1/(z) over bar with lambda(q) = 2 cos (pi/q) for q >= 3 integer: In this article, we study the ... -
On the efficiency of some p-groups
(Ovidius Univ Press, 2015)Let p be a prime number. In this paper, we work on the efficiency of the p-groups G(1) and G(2) defined by the presentations, P-G1 = < a, b, c; ab = bac, bc = cb, ac = ca, a(p alpha) = 1, b(p beta) = 1, c(p gamma) = 1 ... -
Quarter-symmetric metric connection in a Kenmotsu manifold
(2008)We consider a quarter-symmetric metric connection in a Kenmotsu manifold. We investigate the curvature tensor and the Ricci tensor of a Ken- motsu manifold with respect to the quarter-symmetric metric connection. We show ... -
One relator quotients of the extended modular group
(2008)In this paper, we obtain one relator quotients of the extended modular group by adding an extra relation to the existing two relations. Then, we show that some of one-relator quotients of are M*-groups. -
On generalized recurrent lorentzian para-sasakian manifolds
(2008)In this study, we consider generalized recurrent and generalized concircular recurrent LPSasakian manifolds. We show that there exist no generalized recurrent LP-Sasakian manifold unless α + ß is everywhere zero. Furthermore, ... -
On some mapping properties of Möbius transformations
(2009)We consider spheres corresponding to any norm function on the complex plane and their images under the Möbius transformations. We see that the sphere preserving property is not an invariant characteristic property of Möbius ... -
On semiparallel and weyl-semiparallel hypersurfaces of kaehler manifolds
(Kyungpook National University, 2009)We study on semiparallel and Weyl semiparallel Sasakian hypersurfaces of Kaehler manifolds. We prove that a (2n + 1)-dimensional Sasakian hypersurface M of a (2n+2)-dimensional Kaehler manifold M2n+2 is semiparallel if and ... -
Approximation by means of fourier trigonometric series in weighted orlicz spaces
(2009)The order of approximation of Cesaro, Zygmund and Abel-Poisson means of Fourier trigonometric series were estimated by the modulus of continuity in reflexive weighted Orlicz spaces with Muckenhoupt weights. These results ... -
Contra g-alpha- and g-beta-preirresolute functions on GTS's
(Springer Heidelberg, 2015)In this present paper, we define g-alpha-preirresolute, g-beta-preirresolute, contra g-alpha-preirresolute and contra g-beta-preirresolute functions on generalized topological spaces. We give some examples of this definitions. ... -
The pell equation x 2-py 2 = Q
(2010)Let p be a prime number such that p ≡ 1(mod 4), say p = 1+4k for a positive integer k. Let P = 2k + 1 and Q = k 2. In this paper, we consider the integer solutions of the Pell equation x 2-Py 2 = Q over Z and also over ... -
Pseudo symmetric and pseudo Ricci symmetric warped product manifolds
(2010)We study pseudo symmetric (briefly (PS)n) and pseudo Ricci symmetric (briefly (PRS)n) warped product manifolds M ×F N. If M is (PS)n, then we give a condition on the warping function that M is a pseudosymmetric space and ... -
Finite derivation type property on the chinese monoid
(2010)Squier introduced the notion finite derivation type which is a combinatorial condition satisfied by certain rewriting systems. The main result in this paper states that the Chinese monoid has finite derivation type property. -
Complete rewriting system for the Chinese monoid
(2010)In this paper we are interested in the Chinese monoid and show that the Chinese monoid has complete rewriting system.