Order acceptance and scheduling in direct digital manufacturing with additive manufacturing
Conference: 9th IFAC/IFIP/IFORS/IISE/INFORMS Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control (IFAC MIM)
Location: Berlin, GERMANY
Date: AUG 28-30, 2019
Sponsor(s):Int Federat Automat Control; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 5 2 Mfg Modelling Management & Control; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 1 3 Discrete Event & Hybrid Syst; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 3 2 Computat Intelligence Control; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 4 3 Robot; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 5 1 Mfg Plant Control; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 5 3 Enterprise Integrat & Networking; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 5 4 Large Scale Complex Syst; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 7 4 Transportat Syst; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 9 1 Econ Business & Financial Syst; Int Federat Automat Control Tech Comm 9 2 Social Impact Automat; German Soc Operat Res; IEEE SMCS TC Cyber Phys Cloud Syst; Int Federat Informat Proc; Int Federat Operat Res Soc; Inst Operat Res & Management Sci; Inst Ind & Syst Engineers; Berlin Sch Econ & Law, Inst Logist; Natl Simulat Soc; German Res Fdn; Siemens AG; AnyLog Co; SupplyOn AG