Yazar "Demirpolat, Gülen" için listeleme
Acute suppurative thyroiditis accompanied by thyrotoxicosis after fine-needle aspiration: Treatment with catheter drainage
Yıldar, Murat; Demirpolat, Gülen; Aydın, Mehtap (Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2014)Fine needle aspiration (FNA) biopsy is commonly used in the diagnosis of thyroid diseases. Serious complications are rare and this procedure is generally safe. Acute supurative tiroiditis (AST) after FNA has been seldomly ... -
ARFI elastography for differentiating malignant and benign thyroid nodules
, Serpil Paksoy; Kavukcu, Gulgun; Cevik, Celalettin; Demirpolat, Gülen; Ertan, Yeşim; Tuna, Lale (2022)Aim: To examine the diagnostic performance of virtual touch tissue quantification (VTQ) mode of Acoustic Radiation Force Impulse (ARFI) elastography imaging in differentiating benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Materials ... -
Arterial variations within the lateral cervical region: A multidetector ct angiography study
Bülbül, Erdoğan; Yanık, Bahar; Akay, Emrah; Köksal, Vildan; Demirpolat, Gülen (Soc Chilena Anatomia, 2019)It is important to know the arterial anatomy within the lateral cervical region before the flap-planning. We evaluated the arterial anatomy in this area using multidetector computed tomography (CT) angiography and our aim ... -
Carotid CT angiography: Comparison of image quality for left versus right arm injections
Demirpolat, Gülen; Yüksel, Mürvet; Kavukçu, Gülgün; Tuncel, Deniz (Turkish Soc Radiology, 2011)PURPOSE To evaluate the differences in image quality of carotid computed tomographic angiography (CTA) of patients injected with contrast material in their right arms versus patients injected with contrast material in ... -
Churg-strauss sendromu
Churg-Straus sendromu (CSS); astım, eozinofili ve ekstravasküler eozinofilik granülomlar ile seyreden, nadir bir sistemik vaskülittir. Her yaşta görülebilmekle birlikte en sık 38-50 yaş aralığında görülür. Bu yazıda ileri ... -
Clinical and radiological outcomes of long- COVID: Is the post-COVID fibrosis common?
Sarıoğlu, Nurhan; Aksu, Gülden Deniz; Çoban, Hikmet; Bülbül, Erdoğan; Demirpolat, Gülen; Arslan, Ayşegül Tuğçe; Erel, Fuat (2023)Introduction: COVID-19 survivors may take longer to regain full well-being. This study aimed to investigate clinical and functional evaluation and radiolo- gic changes in the third month after COVID-19. Materials and ... -
Comparison of US elastography and chemical shift magnetic resonance imaging in multifidus muscle fatty degeneration
Kırcın, Fatih; Yanık, Bahar; Bülbül, Erdoğan; Akay, Emrah; Demirpolat, Gülen (Permanyer Publications, 2024)The purpose of this study was to investigate the feasibility of the use of shear wave elastography (SWE) in comparison to chemical shift encoding (CSE) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the evaluation of multifidus ... -
Detection of dental pathologies in routine paranasal ct scans: a retrospective study
Bülbül, Erdoğan; Yanık, Bahar; Demirpolat, Gülen (Premchand Shantidevi Research Foundation, 2017)"Introduction: Multidetector Computed Tomography (MDCT) is a widespread method for evaluating paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity in daily practice. The maxillary teeth are in field of view in a paranasal sinus CT scan and ... -
Different types of trochlear apparatus calcification: Evaluation with multidetector computed tomography (MDCT)
Troklear aparat kalsifikasyonu (TAK), çok kesitli bilgisayarlı tomografi (ÇKBT) incelemelerinde rastlantısal bir bulgu olabilir. TAK özellikle travma hastalarında yanlışlıkla yabancı cisim olarak değerlendirilebilir. Bu ... -
Evaluation of degenerative diseases of the lumbar spine with reformatted and 3-dimensional computed tomography images
Yüksel, Mürvet; Yüksel, Kasım Zafer; Demirpolat, Gülen (Saudi Med J, 2012)Objectives: To evaluate the identification of degenerative lesions of the lumbar spine with multiplanar reformatted images and 3-dimensional computed tomography (3DCT). Methods: Fifty-three patients with degenerative ... -
Evaluation of lacrimal gland dimensions and volume in Turkish population with computed tomography
Bülbül, Erdoğan; Yazıcı, Alper; Yanık, Bahar; Yazıcı, Haşmet; Demirpolat, Gülen (Evaluation of Lacrimal Gland Dimensions and Volume in Turkish Population with Computed Tomography, 2016)Introduction: Computed tomography (CT) is a wide-spread method for evaluating head and neck pathologies. The lacrimal glands (LGs) are usually visible in routine head and neck CT scans. LG pathologies usually manifests ... -
Extraordinary cerebral venous drainage pathway with mastoid emissary and posterior external jugular veins detected by contrast-enhanced neck computed tomography
Bülbül, Erdoğan; Yanik, Bahar; Demirpolat, Gülen; Köksal, Vildan (Springer France, 2015)An extraordinary cerebral venous drainage pathway and dilated vein at the left posterior cervical region were detected with routine contrast-enhanced neck computed tomography exam. The left sigmoid sinus was drained by ... -
Giant colon lipoma
Yaman, İsmail; Derici, Hayrullah; Demirpolat, Gülen (Aves, 2015)Colonic lipomas are rare benign nonepithelial tumors. Generally they are smaller than two centimeters and asymptomatic, incidentially detected and do not need any medical treatment. Large and symptomatic lipomas of colon ... -
Hepatik lipom: Radyolojik bulgular
Hepatik lipom karaciğerin çok nadir rastlanan benign mezenşimal tümörüdür. Genellikle asemptomatiktir ve rastlantısal olarak saptanır. Malign dejenerasyon riski bulunmayan bu lezyon ultrasonografide (US) hemanjiyom ve ... -
Hoffa yağ yastikçiği yerleşimli sinoviyal hemanjiyom: Manyetik rezonans görüntüleme bulguları
Sinoviyal hemanjiyom (SH) nadir görülen benign vasküler tümördür. SH en sık dizde görülmekle birlikte el bileği, ayak bileği, dirsek, tendon kılıflarında da tanımlanmıştır. Diz ekleminde saptanan SH'ların %7'si Hoffa ... -
An interrupted right pulmonary artery with stenotic right pulmonary veins
Demirpolat, Gülen; Sarıoğlu, Nurhan; Bayraktaroğlu, Selen; Bülbül, Erdoğan; Keyik, Bahar Yanik (Baycinar Medical Publ-Bayçınar Tıbbi Yayıncılık, 2015)Interrupted pulmonary artery is a very rare congenital abnormality. It may be detected at an early age or in adulthood. It may be associated with congenital cardiovascular defects. However, it is usually isolated and ... -
İskiyal tüberositas avülziyon kırığı
İskiyal tuberositas (İT) avülziyon kırığı ender olarak görülen, genellikle adölesan çağda ve sporcularda karşılaşılan bir kırık şeklidir. Tanısı gecikirse kaynamama, arka uylukta kronik ağrı, bacakta güçsüzlük, hamstring ... -
Kraniyal manyetik rezonans görüntüleme istenilen olguların retrospektif özellikleri
Amaç: Bu çalışmada, poliklinik koşullarında kraniyal manyetik rezonans görüntüleme istenilen 0-18 yaş aralıg?ındaki hastaların tanı profillerini ortaya çıkarmayı ve kraniyal görüntüleme sonuçlarını cinsiyete ve yaş gruplarına ... -
Mammographic features of the sternalis muscle
Demirpolat, Gülen; Oktay, Ayşenur; Bilgen, Işıl; Isayev, Hasan (Turkish Soc Radiology, 2010)PURPOSE To evaluate the mammographic findings of the sternalis muscle and discuss appropriate diagnostic approaches. MATERIALS AND METHODS Ten years of records from our mammography unit were retrospectively examined for ... -
Morphometric evaluation of bony nasolacrimal canal in a caucasian population with primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction: a multidetector computed tomography study
Bülbül, Erdoğan; Yazıcı, Alper; Yanık, Bahar; Yazıcı, Haşmet; Demirpolat, Gülen (Korean Radiological Soc,, 2016)Objective: The bony nasolacrimal duct (BNLD) morphology as a contributory factor in primary acquired nasolacrimal duct obstruction (PANDO) is still controversial. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the morphometric ...