Students' views about health concept by drawing and writing technique
The aim of the study was to determine the views of ninth grade students about health concept by drawing and writing technique. Study group consisted of 156 ninth grade students in two schools (Technical and Industrial Vocational Schools for Girls and Technical and Industrial Vocational Schools) in Kocaeli, Turkey in the 2010-2011 academic years. The study based on qualitative approach was conducted by means of the drawing and writing technique after 'the Health Concept Unit' had been thought in the 9 th grade Hygiene Course. Data were analyzed according to the content analysis method. Explanations of students about health concept were compatible with the findings obtained from their drawings in the study. According to the results of the study, it was seen that students usually described health as a physical and psychological well-being; however, they did not stress health in terms of social well-being adequately. While the importance of nutrition and exercise were mentioned at the protection of health in general, unbalanced diet, microbes and harmful habits were considered as factors negatively affecting health.