Browsing Biyoloji-Makale Koleksiyonu by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 508
The macrofungi of the soma (Manisa) and Savastepe (Balikesir) districts
(1997)This study was conducted on specimens of macrofungi collected from Soma District in the Province of Manisa and Savastepe District in Balikesir Province in 1994 and 1995. As a result of field and laboratory studies, 52 ... -
Macrofungi of Balya (Balikesir) country
(1997)The present taxonomic research is based on the macrofungi collected from Balya, county of Balıkesir province between 1995-1996. At the end of the study, 56 taxa belonging to 2 classes and 23 families have been identified. ... -
Essential oils of calamintha pamphylica boiss. et Heldr. subsp. pamphylica and subsp. davisii (Quezel et Contandr.) Davis
(1997)Water-distilled essential oils of two subspecies of Calamintha pamphylica namely, subsp. pamphylica and subsp. davisii, both of which are endemic taxa to Turkey, were analyzed by GC and GC/MS. In the oil of subsp. pamphylica ... -
Determination of 5' nucleotidase activity of higher plants by using an improved method
(1998)Çeşitli bitki dokularında nispeten yüksek, spesifik olmayan fosfataz aktivitelerinin varlığı bilinmektedir. Bu enzimler aynı zamanda nükleosit monofosfatlardan da inorganik fosfatın uzaklaştırılmasını katalize ederler. ... -
Değirmenboğazı ( Balıkesir ) ve çevresinin florası
(1999)Bu çalışmada, Marmara bölgesinin Güney Marmara bölümünde, Balıkesir-Bursa karayolu üzerinde ve Balıkesir'in kuzeydoğusunda yer alan Değirmenboğazı ve çevresinin florası verilmiştir. Araştırma alanında yapılan floristik ... -
Tricholoma terreum (Fr.) kummer "Cincile" makrofungusunun antimikrobiyal aktivitesi
(1999)In this study, extracts of Tnchoholoma terreum (Fr.) Kummer were prepared with ethyl acetate, acelone, chloroform and ethanol and antimicrobial activities of these extracts were examined on test microorganisms Aeromonas ... -
The morphology of the venom apparatus and histology of venom gland of Pimpla turionellae (L.) (Hym; Ichneumonidae) females
(1999)Idiobiont soliter pupal endoparazitoit olan Pimpla turionellae (L.)'nin zehir aparat kısımlarının morfolojisi ve zehir bezinin histolojisi mikroskobik olarak incelenmiştir. P. turionellae'nin zehir aparatında iki tane ... -
Analysis of some leguminous plants for pyrimidine constituents
(1999)Phaseolus aureus ve Clycine max'da pirimidin ve pirimidinlerin türevi olan sekonder bileşikleri araştırılmıştır. On iki günlük yüzer adet P. aureus ve G. max çimleri ayrı ayrı soğuk seyreltik (0.6 M) perklorik asitle ekstre ... -
Fruit morphology of sections of the genus onobrychis miller (fabaceae) and ITS phylogenetic implications
(Laser Pages Publ Ltd, 1999)Ln this study, fruit morphology of sections of the genus Onobrychis were examined. Fruit morphology origin, taxonomic position, and phylogeny of the genus are discussed. The hypothesis obtained from a phylogenetic analysis ... -
Nuclear DNA contents of some endemic Hedysarum L. species
(1999)The nuclear DNA contents and nuclear areas of some endemic Hedysarum L. species were investigated. A significant variation in the DNA content of Hedysarum species was established. The 2C nuclear DNA amount in the Hedysarum ... -
Composition of the essential oils of thymus pectinatus fisch. Et Mey. Var. Pectinatus at different stages of vegetation
(1999)Water-distilled essential oils from herbal parts of Thymus pectinatus var. pectinatus, endemic to Turkey, collected at different stages of vegetation were analyzed by GC/MS. Thirty-eight compounds were identified in the ... -
Essential oil of thymus zygioides griseb. var. Zygioides from Turkey
(1999)Water-distilled essential oil from herbal parts of Thymus zygioides subsp. Zygioides was analyzed by GC/MS. Sixty-threecompounds were identified representing 98.8% of the total components detected with linalool (33.7%) and ... -
Composition of the essential oils of thymus leucostomus hausskn. Et velen var. Gypsaceus jalas and thymus pubescens boiss. Et kotschy ex celak var. Cratericola jalas
(1999)Water-distilled oils from herbal parts of Thymus leucostomus var. gypsaceus and T. pubescens var. cratericola were analyzed by GC/MS. Forty-seven compounds representing 99.9% of the former oil were identified with thymol ... -
Composition of the essential oil of thymus pseudopulegioides klokov et Des.-Shost from Turkey
(1999)Water-distilled essential oils from aerial parts of Thymus pseudopulegioides collected from three different localities in Turkey were analyzed by GC/MS. One hundred and four compounds were identified representing 97.5–99.5% ... -
Composition of the essential oil of nepeta trachonitica post from Turkey
(1999)Water-distilled essential oil from the aerial parts of Nepeta trachonitica was analyzed by GC/MS. Sixty seven components were characterized representing 86.7% of the total components detected with spathulenol (22.2%) as ... -
Composition of the essential oil of thymus fallax fisch. Et mey. From Turkey
(1999)Water-distilled essential oil from aerial parts of Thymus fallax was analyzed by GC/MS. Thirty-two compounds were identified representing 99.4% of the total components detected with carvacrol (68.1%) as the major constituent. -
Balıkesir ve yöresinde eritrosit glukoz-6-fosfat dehidrogenaz (G6PD) aktivitesinin normal değerlerinin belirlenmesi
(2000)Glucose-6-phosphate deydrogenase (G6PD, EC has been detected in bacteria, protozoa, mammals and higher animals and also distributed in all the cell types of multicellular organisms. G6PD is the first and key ... -
Investigations on the biology of red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) in Edremit Bay, Aegean Sea, Turkey
(Scientific Technical Research Council Turkey, 2000)In this study, has been carried out to investigate some growth features of the red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) which is the important commercially species of the North Aegean Sea. Have been examined: Sex ... -
Apanteles galleriae Wilkinson (Hym.; Braconidae)' nin bazı biyolojik özelliklerine konak türün etkileri
(2000)Koinobiont ve soliter, erken evre larva endoparazitoiti olan Apanteles galleria Wilkinson; Büyük Balmumu Güvesi, Calleria mellonella (L.) ve Küçük Balmumu Güvesi, Achroia grisella Fabr. konakları üzerinde 25°C sıcaklık, ... -
Vitis vinifera L. CV. Sultani (Vitaceae)' de in vitro kalsiyum değişiminin kallogenez ve regenerasyon üzerine etkisi
(2000)Ülkemizin önemli ihracat ürünleri arasında yer alan Vitis viniferet Şultani'de doku kültür teknikleri kullanılarak in vitro kalsiyum değişiminin kallogenez ve regenerasyon üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Bu bitkiye ...