Distribution and location of endocrine cells in the pancreas of the sparrowhawk, accipiter nisus
The distribution and location of endocrine cells were determined in the dorsal, ventral, and splenic lobes of sparrowhawk pancreas using immunohistochemical methods. In this study, pancreatic tissues were stained with anti-insulin, anti-glucagon, anti-somatostatin, anti-gastrin, and anti-serotonin primary antibodies using the streptavidin-biotin-peroxidase method. The results showed that the numbers of glucagon-(alpha cell), insulin-(beta cell), and somatostatin-(delta cell) releasing cells were high and located in the splenic lobe of the pancreas. These endocrine cells were grouped into alpha, beta, and mixed islets. Alpha islets were mainly composed of alpha and delta cells and also occasionally beta cells. Beta islets contained numerous beta cells and a few delta and alpha cells. Furthermore, in the exocrine tissue were showed as only one cell or 2-3 gastrin immunopositive cell groups, whereas serotonin immunopositive cells were not found anywhere in the exocrine and endocrine pancreas. In conclusion, the endocrine islet types, endocrine cell localizations and lobe numbers of pancreas in sparrowhawks are similar to predator bird species, but are determined different to domestic fowls.