Essential oil compositions of some species of Cyclotrichium and antimicrobial activities
In this study we report on the essential oil composition of six freshly collected plant species, Cyclotrichium
glabrescens (Boiss. & Kotschy ex Rech. F.) Leblebici, C. longiflorum Leblebici, C. stamineum, C. niveum,
C. leucotrichum, and C. origanifolium, and their biological activity. The essential oil compositions of Cyclotrichium
glabrescens and C. longiflorum and their antimicrobial activities are reported for the first time in this study.
The yields of essential oils of the leaves of the species Cyclotrichium glabrescens, C. longiflorum, C. stamineum,
C. niveum, C. leucotrichum, and C. origanifolium, were 0.5, 0.8, 1.2, 3.4, 1.8, and 2.3%, respectively.
The hydrodistilled essential oil of C. glabrescens was analyzed by GC/MS, and 29 volatile compounds were identified
which represented 75.6% of the total oil (Table 1). The main compounds of the essential oil of the species were found to be
thymol (26.3%), carvacrol (16.6%), isopulegol acetate (11.1%), and spathulenol (6.1%).
Thirty-one components were determined in the essential oil of C. longiflorum which represented 90.2% of total oil.
The main compounds of the species were isopinacamphone (59.8%) together with spathulenol (6.8%), myrtenyl acetate (6.7%),
and menthone (3.6%).