House mice with metacentric chromosomes in the Middle East
The western house mouse (Mus musculus domesticus)
is standardly characterised by a karyotype of 40
acrocentric chromosomes. However, within the West
European and North African parts of its range there
are numerous local races defined by reduced chromosome numbers and metacentric chromosomes (review:
NACHMAN and SEARLE 1995). The presence of metacentric chromosomes reflects the fusion of pairs of
acrocentric chromosomes at their centromeres
(Robertsonian fusions), any metacentrics so formed
may evolve into other metacentrics by whole-arm
reciprocal translocations (WARTs: HAUFFE and
PIALEK 1997). Races with metacentrics may be characterised by a diploid number as low as 22 chromosomes (CAPANNA el al. 1976).