The levels of adenosine deaminase and oxidative stress biomarkers in scrapings samples of acne lesion
Background:Acne vulgaris is one of thecommonest dermatological diseases and itspathogenesis is multifactorial. To determinethe role of oxidative stress and adenosindeaminase in acne vulgaris and to determinea possible link with the clinical severity.Method:Fifty patients with different sever-ity of acne vulgaris were compared accord-ing to the severity. The parameters ofoxidative stress such as MDA, CAT, SOD,GSH and ADA in scrapings of acnelesions were measured spectrophotometri-cally. The values compared the relation between the severity and distribution ofacne, and the correlation of each enzymelevel were researched.Result:ADA and MDA levels in patientswith severe acne were significantly higherabout two to fourfold compared to theother groups (P< 0.05). However, CATand SOD activities, and GSH levelsdecreased in patients with severe acne vul-garis than the others (P< 0.05).Conclusion:Our results indicate thatincreased MDA levels reflect the increasedlevels of oxidative stress and increasedADA activity in severe acne vulgarispatients, and this situation may be impor-tant in relation with its pathogenesis. Also,we thought that insufficiency of antioxidantbarrier may cause oxidative damage inpatients with severe acne vulgaris, so anti-oxidant therapy may be beneficial whengiven in addition to the treatment of acne.