Karyological studies of clinopodium L. (sect. pseudomelissa) and micromeria benth. s. str. (lamiaceae) from Turkey
Using the squash method of preparation, somatic chromosome numbers were counted of Clinopodium cilicicum, C. congestum, C. dolichodontum, C. serpyllifolium subsp. barbatum, C. serpyllifolium subsp. brachycalyx, C. serpyllifolium subsp. giresunicum, C. serpyllifolium subsp. serpyllifolium, Micromeria cremnophila subsp. amana, M. cremnophila subsp. anatolica, M. cristata subsp. phrygia, M. cristata subsp. orientalis, M. elliptica, M. graeca subsp. graeca, M. juliana, M. myrtifolia, M. nervosa all of which grow naturally in Turkey. Chromosome numbers of 12 taxa are reported for the first time.