Güncel Gönderiler: Bilgisayar Mühendisliği-Makale Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 36, listelenen: 1-20
A new RMF stirrer design to reduce mixing time
(Elsevier B.V., 2024)The goal of this study is to develop an FPGA-based new rotating magnetic field (RMF) stirrer system that would reduce mixing time. To achieve this goal, it has been suggested that, unlike the literature, the mixing process ... -
Predicting annus mirabilis with machine learning: Turkish movie industry
(Springer, 2023)There has recently been an increasing interest in the quantification of success in different fields of human activities. However, most of the research in this field solely focuses on success as a collective phenomenon ... -
An efficient classification of rice variety with quantized neural networks
(MDPI, 2023)Rice, as one of the significant grain products across the world, features a wide range of varieties in terms of usability and efficiency. It may be known with various varieties and regional names depending on the specific ... -
Genetic approach to improve cryptographic properties of balanced boolean functions using bent functions
(Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI), 2023)Recently, balanced Boolean functions with an even number n of variables achieving very good autocorrelation properties have been obtained for (Formula presented.). These functions attain the maximum absolute value in the ... -
Modified Patterson-Wiedemann construction
(Springer, 2023)The Patterson–Wiedemann (PW) construction, which is defined for an odd number n of variables with n being the product of two distinct prime numbers p and q, can be interpreted as idempotent functions which are represented ... -
Boundary-aware local density-based outlier detection
(Elsevier Inc., 2023)Outlier detection is crucial for improving the performance of machine learning algorithms and is particularly vital in data sets possessing a small number of points. While the existing outlier detection methods deliver ... -
Development of ai based larvae transfer machine for royal jelly production
(Ankara University, 2023)Honeybees produce many different products beneficial to humans. One of these of is royal jelly which is the bee product with highest nutritional value but is most difficult to produce. The most time-consuming procedure in ... -
Discontinuity detection system in marble: Analysis of the time-frequency characteristics of ultrasonic p-waves
(Amer Soc Testing Materials, 2023)This study attempted to determine both the presence and the appearance of the surface of a crack artificially created in a marble block without axial loading or compression by FFT analysis of ultrasonic longitudinal sound ... -
Determining the effect of velocity on sensor selection and position in non-destructive testing with magnetic flux leakage method: a pipe inspection gauge design study with Ansys Maxwell
(IEEE- Inst Electrical Electronics Engineers Inc, 2023)The magnetic flux leakage (MFL) method, which is among the non-destructive testing (NDT) methods, is frequently used in the determination of discontinuity in ferromagnetic materials. The method focuses on the detection of ... -
Bazı alt uzaylarda kriptografik açıdan eniyilenmiş büyük S-kutuları
(2022)Arama uzayının büyüklüğünden dolayı sezgisel arama algoritmaları, güçlü kriptografik özelliklere sahip S-kutularını elde etmek için literatürde genellikle sekiz ve daha küçük boyutlardaki uzaylarda uygulanmıştır. Bununla ... -
A new instance selection method for enlarging margins between classes
(2022)As discarding superfluous instances in data sets shortens the learning process, it also increases learning performance because of eliminating noisy data. Instance selection methods are commonly utilized to undertake the ... -
S-kutusu büyüklüğünün korelasyon güç analizi sonuçlarına etkisi
(2023)Simetrik bir kripto-sistemde küçük S-kutularının kullanımı, gömüldüğü donanımın güç tüketimini azaltmaktadır. Bu durumun yan kanal analizi (YKA) sonuçlarında gürültünün bozucu etkisini arttırdığı bilinmektedir. Bu çalışmamızda, ... -
(1057, 31)-Aralıklı dizilerden üretilen Boole fonksiyonlar
(2023)1983 yılında keşfedildikten itibaren günümüzde halen bilinen en yüksek doğrusal olmama değerine (16276) sahip olan 15-değişkenli Patterson-Wiedemann (PW) fonksiyonlarının, özel bir yapıda bulunan (151, 217)-aralıklı ... -
Göç oranı ve göç aralığı değerlerinin yanıt yüzeyi yöntemi ile belirlenmesi: Paralel göçmen kuşlar optimizasyon algoritması örneği
(Gazi Univ, 2022)Göç, ada temelli paralel metasezgisel optimizasyon algoritmalarının başarılı sonuçlar üretmesini sağlayan başlıca işlem adımıdır. Göç parametreleri olan göç oranı (MR) ve göç aralığının (MI) doğru belirlenmesi algoritmanın ... -
Identification of honey bee (Apis mellifera) larvae in the hive with faster R-CNN for royal jelly production
(Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022)Royal jelly is actively used in healthcare products, healthy nutrition, cosmetics industry, strengthening the immune system, treatment of cancer, and many other diseases and new studies are being conducted on its usability ... -
A class-driven approach to dimension embedding
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2022)The preservation of the inbuilt structures of data sets and the more decomposition of the classes are a significant interest in dimension embedding. In this respect, the dimensionality reduction methods use novel techniques ... -
Crack identification system on MOH cold rolled grain oriented sheets: Application of K-fold cross validated BRANN
(Elsevier SCI LTD, 2022)To increase efficiency of transformers, iron (hysteresis and Fuko losses), copper and abnormal losses must be prevented. Hysteresis loss may be significantly reduced by adding silicon to iron, and Fuko loss may be significantly ... -
Improved cryptographic properties of Boolean functions obtained from the neighbourhood of Patterson-Wiedemann functions
(Springer, 2023)More than a decade ago, the balanced and 1-resilient Boolean functions on 15 variables with the best known nonlinearities 16272 and 16264, respectively, were identifed by interpreting the Patterson-Wiedemann (PW) functions ... -
Unsupervised instance selection via conjectural hyperrectangles
(Springer London Ltd, 2022)Machine learning algorithms spend a lot of time processing data because they are not fast enough to commit huge data sets. Instance selection algorithms especially aim to tackle this trouble. However, even instance selection ... -
Twitter üzerinde Türkçe sahte haber tespiti
(Balıkesir Üniversitesi, 2021)Son yıllarda internet kullanımının artmasıyla insanların bilgi ve haber alma kaynakları da değişmiştir. Radyo, televizyon, gazete ve dergi gibi geleneksel medya platformları yerine sosyal medya platformlarının kullanımı ...