Browsing Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar-Bildiri Koleksiyonu by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 172
Defluoridation in drinking waters
(I W A Publishing, 2000)Although water supplies containing excessive amount of fluoride are generally very rare worldwide, there are locations in Turkey where drinking water contains very high fluoride concentrations. Especially in the middle and ... -
Analysis and comparison of the forces by the nonlinear long waves on the piled system at Derince Port Turkey
(İnternational Society Offshore& Polar Engineers, 2001)The pile system of the ship berthing structure at Derince Port was damaged by the August 17, 1999 Izmit earthquake. The reasons might the earthquake shaking and the effect tsunami waves in Izmit Bay, Turkey. Tsunami, is a ... -
Synthesis and characterizations of LaM2Ḿ3S6-y(M: Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba; Ḿ:Cu, Fe), La2SrS4 and La2CaS 4
(2004)YN2M^3S6-y, (M= Ca, Sr, Ba, Mg and M= Cu, Fe) type of compounds were synthesized and the effect of rare earth elements on these type of compounds was investigated. By replacing Y with La, LaBa 2Cu3S6-y compound was synthesized ... -
Room temperature conduction characteristics of calix [4] acid/amine alternate layer Langmuir-blodgett films
(2005)Multilayered Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films were prepared by transferring alternately six layers of calix [4] acid and five calix [4] amine molecules from the subphase of Millipore water (18MΩ cm-1) on aluminised glass ... -
Branding and technology management
(2006)Globalization and the advance of technologies (particularly Internet) have changed and will continue to change things like behaviors of customers as well as the competition strategies of companies. The competition by ... -
Bacterial leaching of coal for the removal of pyritic S
(2006)Most commonly used microorganisms are Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus Thiooxidans, which have been shown to be effective in the removal of pyritic sulphur from coal. This study presents the results of bacterial ... -
Development and use of a rubric for the assessment of students' performance in solving problems on Newton's law of motion
(Amer Inst Physics, 2007)In this study, which involves 73 second year university students, the researchers aimed to develop a rubric to solve questions on Newton's Law of Motion and show the effectiveness of the designed rubric on problem solving. ... -
The sensitive and selective determination of aluminium by spectrofluorimetric detection after complexation with N-o-vanillidine-2-amino-p- cresol
(Royal Society of Chemistry, 2007)A simple, easy to use and selective spectrofluorimetric method for the determination of trace levels of aluminium has been developed. A new Schiff base, N-o-vanillidine-2-amino-p-cresol (OVAC), has been synthesized and its ... -
First year university students' ideas on the motion of the charged particle in a magnetic field
(Amer Inst Physics, 2007)Recent studies have been carried out to understand students' conceptions of scientific phenomena. This study aims to elicit students' ideas on the motion of a charged particle in a magnetic field and to consider the ... -
Developing web-based homework system to evaluate students' homework performance and physics achievement
(Amer İnst Physics, 2007)Web-based homework and assessment have been becoming widespread practice in physics courses. Although some disagreement whether this is an encouraging or uncertain growth for student learning, there is inadequate research ... -
Parametric analysis support for architectural room acoustics education
(Turkish Acoustical Society, 2007)This paper describes ESTARA - Educational Simulation Tool for Architectural Room Acoustics, a new tool under development at Balikesir University. The system is intended for use as an educational tool to introduce basic ... -
Characterization of a novel 1,3-bis(4-imino-3-hidroxy-benzoicacid)indane Langmuir-Blodgett film for organic vapour sensing
(Natl Inst Optoelectronics, 2007)A Langmuir-Blodgeft (LB) thin film deposition technique is used to characterise a novel 1,3-Bis(4-imino-3-hydroxylbenzoicacid) indane material on the water surface, and to transfer it as an ultra-thin LB film layer onto ... -
Equipment need analysis for engineer and technican in telecom sector in Turkey
(The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), 2007)In this study, equipment analysis is made for engineers and technicians in telecom sector, in Turkey. A survey is executed in this sector. 38 people are attended the survey. Participants consist of private and state sector. ... -
Impact of general physics laboratory II course on students' learning some electrical concepts
(Amer Inst Physics, 2007)Looking over the studies made on science education, it will easily be noticed that almost all of them focus on which educational method affects the students' success positively according to conceptual education. Experimental ... -
Impact of general physics laboratory II course on recognizing electricity experiments' tools
(Amer Inst Physics, 2007)In this study, the abilities related to the tools and their functions that are used in electrical experiments in the general physics laboratory II courses by the 1st grade students attending the education of science teaching ... -
A dynamic system approach for solving nonlinear programming problems with exact penalty function
(Vilnius Gediminas Technical Univ Press, 2008)The Dynamic system has attracted increasing attention in recent years. In this paper, a dynamic system approach for solving Nonlinear Programming (NLP) problems with inequality constrained is presented. First, the system ... -
An educational virtual laboratory for sliding mode and PID control of inverted pendulum
(2008)This paper presents a new tool which teaches sliding mode control (SMC) and proportional-integralderivative (PID) control to undergraduate and graduate students without laboratory. This educational virtual laboratory tool ... -
Energetic, exergetic and environmental assessments of the Edremit Geothermal District Heating System
(Amer Soc Heating, 2008)In this study, we investigate the Edremit Geothermal District Heating System (GDHS) in Balikesir Turkey through energetic, exergetic, economic and environmental assessments. The actual thermal data taken from the Technical ... -
The first year curriculums of electrical-electronics engineering departments in Turkey
(2008)In this study, we consider evaluation of the first year undergraduate curriculums of electrical-electronics engineering departments at the state universities in Turkey (TR). The first year education is very significant, ... -
The biomechani̇cal properties of meniscus
(IEEE, 2009)In this study, the biomechanical properties of meniscus under pull-out and compression forces are investigated.