Browsing Bitkisel ve Hayvansal Üretim Bölümü by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 71
Anatomical studies on endemic Lycium anatolicum A. Baytop et R. Mill (Solanaceae) vegetative organs, distributed in Turkey
(2009)In this study, the species, Lycium anatolicum A. Baytop et R. Mill which is an endemic for Turkey has been investigated anatomically. Researchs have been carried out in different regions of Şanli{dotless}urfa, which locates ... -
Anatomical studies on endemic Lycium anatolicum A. Baytop et R. Mill (solanaceae) vegetative organs, distributed in Turkey
(2009)In this study, the species, Lycium anatolicum A. Baytop et R. Mill which is an endemic for Turkey has been investigated anatomically. Researchs have been carried out in different regions of Şanlıurfa, which locates in the ... -
Phylogenetic relationships of some Turkish crocus (iridaceae) taxa based on morphological and anatomical characters
(Tubitak Scientific & Technical Research Council Turkey, 2010)In this study, relationships among the 15 taxa of the genus Crocus L. distributed in Turkey were analysed using 29 morphological and 4 anatomical characters. Analysis of the data set utilising maximum parsimony criterion ... -
Edremit körfezi’nin (Balıkesir) arı bitkileri üzerine bir araştırma
(2011)Edremit Körfezi, Biga yarımadasının güneyinde konumlanmış önemli turizm merkezlerini ve Kazdağlarını (İda) içer en bir körfezdir. Körfez, coğrafik olarak Ege Bölgesinin kuzeyini oluşturmakla beraber, Çanakkale ve Balıkesir ... -
Ethnic uses of pine resin production from Pinus brutia by native people on the Kazdag Mountain (Mt. Ida) in Western Turkey
(WFL Publ, 2011)The Turkish red pine (Pious brutia Ten.) forests are the most suitable forests of Turkey for the pine resin production by tapping, because of the conditions for both topography and climate of distribution area of these ... -
Comparative morphological and ecological studies of two Stachys species (sect. Eriostomum, subsect. Germanicae) grown in Turkey
(Academic Journals,, 2011)In this study, comparative morphological and ecological studies of Stachys balansae and S. carduchorum were investigated. Morphologically, general views of taxa and micromorphological features of the trichomes were studied. ... -
Edible macrofungi of Edremit Gulf (Balikesir) in Turkey
(Academic Journals, 2011)Gulf of Edremit is an important center of trade, coupled with its sandy beaches, shores and towns that are surrounded by green olive trees (Ayvalik, Edremit, Burhaniye and Havran). It is also one of the largest districts ... -
Investigations of ethnobotanical aspect of wild plants sold in Bingöl (Turkey) local markets
(2012)Pazarlarda satılan yabani bitkiler araştırılmıştır. Yöredeki araştırmalar çerçevesinde pazarlarda satılan, yöre halkının tıbbi ve gıda (baharat, çay ve yemek) olarak yararlandığı bitkiler tespit edilmiş ve bu bitkilerin ... -
Comparative anatomical studies on the two stachys species (sect. eriostomum, subsect. germanicae) growing in Turkey
(Academic Journals, 2012)In this study, comparative anatomical studies on the two Stachys species (sect. Eriostomum, subsect. Germanicae) in Turkey were carried out on the plants collected from their type localities. These species are Stachys ... -
Comparative anatomy of stem and leaf of ricotia L. Growing in Turkey
(Bangladesh Botanical Society, 2013)The present paper deals with a comparative anatomy of stem and leaf of Ricotia species growing in Turkey. In addition, stomatal index and rate of these species were calculated. A diagnostic key based on combined stem, leaf ... -
The genomic DNA isolation methods comparative analysis upon some Sideritis ( Labiateae) and Serratula ( Asteraceae) taxa
(2013)Bitkilerden genomik DNA izolasyonu için farklı izolasyon metotlar bulunmaktadır. Bitkilerin kimyasal içerikleri farklı olduğundan birbirine yakın türler için bile farklı DNA izolasyon yöntemleri gerekebilir. Bu çalışmada ... -
Comparative micromorphological and anatomical investigations on Thymus pulvinatus and T. cherlerioides (Lamiaceae) growing in Kazdağı (Edremit-Balıkesir/Turkey)
(2013)Bu araştırmada, Kazdağları’ ndan toplanan ve morfolojik olarak birbirine yakın olan iki endemik tür üzerinde mikromorfolojik ve anatomik çalışmalar yapılarak türler arasındaki benzerlik ve farklılıklar ortaya konmuştur. ... -
The handling characteristics of the medicinal plants which sold in herbalists in Alaşehir (Manisa) region
(2013)Bu çalışmada, Alaşehir ve çevresinde bulunan aktarların, yöre halkına satmış olduğu tıbbi bitkiler tespit edilmiş ve bu bitkilerin insanlar tarafından hangi hastalıklarda kullanıldığı ve kullanım yöntemleri ortaya konulmuştur. ... -
An ethnobotanical study of medicinal plants used by the local people of Alasehir (Manisa) in Turkey
(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2013)Ethnopharmacological relevance: This paper represents the first large-scale ethnobotanical study in the Alasehir and its surrounding (Manisa/Turkey). There are scarcely any studies for using plants. There is urgency in ... -
Trichome micromorphology in Turkish species of Ziziphora (Lamiaceae)
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)Ziziphora L. is represented by 5 species and 2 subspecies in the flora of Turkey: Z. clinopodioides, Z. capitata, Z. persica, Z. tenuior, Z. taurica subsp. taurica, Z. taurica subsp. cleonioides. It is difficult to distinguish ... -
Geophytic Plants around the Akkaya Dam Lake (Nigde-Turkey)
(Int Soc Horticultural Science, 2013)This study was performed in a research area near Akkaya Dam Lake (Nigde-Turkey) which is considered as a "Wetlands of International Importance" and is geographically positioned in the middle of important wetlands such as ... -
Ardahan'da yetişen bazı erik (prunus domestica L) genotiplerinde toplam fenolik içerik, toplam antosiyanin ve askorbik asit içeriğinin belirlenmesi
(2014)Bu çalışmada Ardahan ilinde yetişen Prunus (Erik) genotipinde toplam fenol içeriği, toplam antosiyanin içeriği, suda çözünebilir kuru madde (SÇKM), pH, titre edilebilir asitlik ve toplam askorbik asit içeriği belirlenerek ... -
Anatomical, micromorphological and ecological studies on the genus Agrostemma L (Caryophyllaceae) growing in Turkey
(2014)Bu çalışmada Türkiye'de doğal olarak yayılış gösteren Agrostemma (A. githago L. ve A. brachyloba (Fenzl) K.Hammer) cinsinin iki türü üzerinde karşılaştırılmalı mikromorfolojik, anatomik ve ekolojik araştırmalar yürütülmüştür. ... -
Micromorphological and anatomical characteristics of the genus Chrysophthalmum Schultz bip. (Asteraceae) growing in Turkey
(National Academy of Sciences, India, 2014)The genus Chrysophthalmum (Asteraceae) is represented by five species in the world. Three species of this genus are naturally grown in Turkey. The species growing in Turkey are C. montanum (DC.) Boiss., C. dichotomum Boiss. ...