Browsing Temel Bilimler Bölümü by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 114
Japon bıldırcını (coturnix coturnix japonica) plexus lumbosacralis’i üzerinde makro-anatomik araştırmalar
(2011)Çalışma, Japon bıldırcınında plexus lumbosacralis’in oluşumu ve dallanmasının araştırılması amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmada materyal olarak 40 adet Japon bıldırcını kullanıldı. Hayvanların anestezisi sağlandıktan sonra vücut ... -
Morphological observation of the rostral epidural rete mirabile (rete mirabile epidurale rostrale) in the saanen goat
(2011)Rete mirabile epidurale rostrale küçük ruminantlarda cavum cranii içinde, hipofiz bezinin her iki yanında, sinus cavernosus içinde yer alan ve beynin arteriel kan akışını düzenleyen bir yapıdır. Bu çalışmada, Takilon ile ... -
Kaya kekliği (Alectoris graeca) plexus sacralis’i üzerinde Makro-Anatomik araştırmalar
(2012)Bu çalışma, Kaya kekliğinde plexus sacralis’in oluşumu ve bu plexus’dan ayrılan dalların araştırılması amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmada materyal olarak 40 adet Kaya kekliği kullanıldı. Hayvanlar anesteziye alındıktan sonra ... -
Detection of apoptosis in experimental fibrosarcoma using DNA fragmentation and immunohystochemical methods
(Medwell Online, 2012)Fibrosarcoma is driving from mesenchimal tissue. It is one of the malign tumors and usually seen in cats and dogs however, it can be encountered in all animals. Apoptosis used for eliminating of cells which are functioning ... -
Macro-anatomical investigation of the cerebral arterial circle (circle of willis) in red fox (Vulpes vulpes Leunnoleus, 1758)
(Medwell Online, 2012)In the study, formation of the cerebral arterial circle in red fox commonly spotted in Anatolia was examined. Five red foxes, regardless of their sexes were used in the study. Latex injection method was applied to the ... -
Macro-anatomic ınvestigations on the plexus sacralis of rock partridge (alectoris graeca)
(Kafkas Univ, 2012)This study was carried out to investigate the origin, distribution of plexus sacrales on the Rock partridge (Alectoris graeca). Fourty partridges were used in this study. Following the anaesthesing of the animals, cavity ... -
Balıkçıl kuşunun (ardea cinerea) karın bölgesi organlarının arterial vaskülarizasyonu
(2012)Bu çalışmada, Mudurnu yöresinden temin edilen 2 adet balıkçıl kuşu kullanıldı. Renklendirilmiş latex enjekte edilen damarların diseksiyonu yapılarak bulgular kaydedildi. Birkaç istisna dışında diğer kanatlılarda da olduğu ... -
Effects of dietary mannan oligosaccharide and herbal essential oil blend supplementation on performance and oxidative stability of eggs and liver in laying hens
(Pagepress Publ, 2012)The role of dietary supplemental mannan oligosaccharide (MOS) and an essential oil blend (EOB) on performance of laying hens, and susceptibility of egg yolk and hen liver to lipid oxidation were examined. Four hundred and ... -
Kaya kekliği (Alectoris graeca) Plexus lumbalis’i üzerinde makro-anatomik araştırmalar
(2012)Bu çalışma, Kaya kekliğinde plexus lumbalis’in araştırılması amacıyla yapıldı. Araştırmada materyal olarak 40 adet Kaya kekliği kullanıldı. Hayvanlar anesteziye alındıktan sonra vücut boşluğu açığa çıkarıldı. Materyallerin ... -
Detection of brucella among voluntary blood donors in Turkey by using a new real tune PRC method
(Medwell Online, 2012)Bnicellosis is a worldwide zoonosis also the incidence of which has decreased in developed countries it is still effective in Asia, Africa, Central America and the Mediterranean basin (Turkey inside) that have insufficient ... -
Detection of brucella among voluntary blood donors in Turkey by using a new real time PCR method
(2012)Brucellosis is a worldwide zoonosis also the incidence of which has decreased in developed countries it is still effective in Asia, Africa, Central America and the Mediterranean basin (Turkey inside) that have insufficient ... -
The effects of additional organic copper and organic zinc trace minerals on accumulation and elimination levels in female kids
(2013)Bu çalışma, NRC (12) tarafından keçiler için önerilen düzeylerin %25’i oranında azaltılarak rasyona eklenen organik yapıdaki bakır (Cu) ve çinko (Zn) minerallerinin serum ve kıldaki mineral birikim düzeyi ile dışkıda atılan ... -
Oxidative stress induced by diabetes activates apoptosis in rat brain
(2013)Diabetes is an increasing worldwide health problem. It is well known that diabetes causes brain damage. The mechanism by which diabetes increases brain damage is still elusive. The objective of this study was to determine ... -
The effects of additional organic copper and organic zinc trace minerals on accumulation and elimination levels in female kids
(Ankara Univ Press, 2013)This study was conducted to evaluate the accumulation of copper and zinc in serum, hair and feaces of goats fed diets supplemented with organic Cu and Zn at levels of 25% lower than NRC (12) recommendations. Totally female ... -
Levels of antioxidant substances, acute phase response and lipid peroxidation in the left and right abomasum displacement in cows
(Polish Acad Sciences, 2013)The aim of the present study was to assess metabolic changes occurring in Holstein cows with left or right abomasal displacement. Total sialic acid (TSA) values of the left abomasal displacement (LDA) group were elevated ... -
Effects of boric acid and 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate on necrotizing enterocolitis
(Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2014)Objective:The aim was to study the effects of boric acid (BA) and 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB) on oxidative stress and inflammation in an experimental necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) rat model.Methods:Experimental ... -
The protective effect of selenium in cisplatin-related retinotoxicity
(Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2014)Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the retinal toxicity of cisplatin and neuroprotective effect of selenium in cisplatin-related retinal toxicity. Methods: Eighteen adult Wistar-Albino rats were divided into ... -
A detailed evaluation of the skeletal elements of the skull in the grey heron (Ardea cinerea)
(2014)This study was designed to reveal, in detail, the features of the skull bones in the grey heron, a species of the family Ardeidae, and to compare the findings with previous related literature reports and with Nomina Anatomica ... -
Efficacy of in-feed preparations of an anticoccidial, multienzyme, prebiotic, probiotic, and herbal essential oil mixture in healthy and Eimeria spp.-infected broilers
(Oxford Univ Press, 2014)The efficacies of 5 widely used dietary supplements were investigated on performance indices, fecal oocyst excretion, lesion score, and intestinal tract measurements in healthy and Eimeria spp.-infected birds by using a ... -
Determination of dna damage in experimental liver intoxication and role of n-acetyl cyste
(Humana Press Inc, 2014)The present study aimed at detecting DNA damage and fragmentation as well as histone acetylation depending on oxidative stress caused by CCl4 intoxication. Also, the protective role of N-acetyl cysteine, a precursor for ...