Browsing Balıkesir Meslek Yüksekokulu by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 134
Güneş enerjisiyle kurutma
(1997)Açlık tehlikesinin gün geçtikçe daha büyük önem kazandığı dünyamızda, yetersiz üretimden çok üretilen ürünün saklanmasında ve tüketilmesinde büyük müktarda kayıplar saptanmıştır. . Kurutma, son zamanlara kadar gıdanın ... -
Characterisation and beneficiation studies for Balya lead-zinc mine wastes
(A A Balkema Publishers, 2000)The deposit of lead-zinc ore in Balikesir/Balya was mined and abandoned in the past. There is about 1 million tonnes of gravity and flotation tailings and slags containing considerable amount of lead and zinc, In this study ... -
An electrochemical investigation of sulphide ore flotation in the presence of Fe-2(SO4)(3)
(A A Balkema Publishers, 2000)Before measuring electrochemical potential of flotation pulp in the presence of Fe-2(SO4)(3), it has been measured in solution with five different electrodes for different concentration of Fe-2(SO4)(3). It show that potential ... -
Electrochemical potential in single and mixture of mineral slurries
(A A Balkema Publishers, 2000)Sulphides being electronic conductors, can act as a source or sink for electrons and hence can support electrode reactions at the surface. Electrochemical potential start to be a variation in flotation systems. As flotation ... -
Ahiler (Sivihisar-Eskişehir) sepiyolitinin jeokimyasal özellikleri
(2001)Sivrihisar göl baseninde alkalin ve tuzlu ortam koşullarında oluşmuş Neojen sepiyolit yatakları bulunmaktadır. Bölgedeki sepiyolitler başlıca üç tiptir, 1) Organik madde yönünden zengin siyah sepiyolitler, 2) Organik madde ... -
Petrogenesis of volcanic rocks, and clay mineralogy and genesis of underclays, Sile Region, Istanbul, Turkey
(E Schweizerbartsche Verlags, 2002)In the bile Region, the basement rocks are represented by Lower-Middle Devonian limestones, gradually grading upward into shale; Mesozoic rocks composed of Lower Triassic basal conglomerates and sandstones, and Upper ... -
Effect of pH on pulp potential and sulphide mineral flotation
(2002)Control of pH is one of the most widely applied methods for the modulation of mineral flotation. In this study the effect of pH on potential in solution and sulphur minerals flotation is discussed with various electrodes. ... -
Effect of pH on pulp potential and sulphide mineral flotation
(2002)Control of pH is one of the most widely applied methods for the modulation of mineral flotation. In this study the effect of pH on potential in solution and sulphur minerals flotation is discussed with various electrodes. ... -
Occurrence and properties of natron in the Miocene lacustrine Beypazari basin, Turkey
(E Schweızerbartsche Verlags, 2003)Natron, Na2CO3 . 10H(2)O, is a rarely forming evaporite mineral, which precipitates under the unique physicochemical conditions of Na wt.%, temperature and HCO3/CO3. Natron is observed in the upper parts of the lower trona ... -
Differential separation of albite from microcline by monovalent salts in HF medium
(Soc Mining Metallurgy Exploration Inc, 2003)Na-feldspar (albite) and K-feldspar (microcline or orthoclase) are major feldspar minerals with identical crystal structures and physico-chemical properties. Flotation appears to be a unique method of separating these ... -
Varying depositional environments of gypsum successions in the Upper Miocene Eskiehir-Sivrihisar lacustrine basin, NW Turkiye
(E Schweızerbartsche Verlags, 2003)The basement rocks of Eskisehir-Sivrihisar basin are made of Upper Paleozoic metamorphic rocks and Upper Cretaceous ophiolite complex. These rocks are overlain by Middle Miocene sedimentary rocks the base. Upper Miocene-Pliocene ... -
Effects of bivalent salts on the flotation separation of Na-feldspar from K-feldspar
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2003)Despite similarities in the physical and physico-chemical properties of Na- and K-feldspars, their flotation separation with monovalent ions exhibited a reasonable success. Further studies have been therefore initiated to ... -
Recovery of zinc from waste material using hydrometallurgical processes
(Amer Inst Chemical Engineers, 2003)A lead-zinc ore deposit in Balikesir/Balya, Turkey, was mined and abandoned almost 70 years ego. Nearly 1, 000, 000 tons of flotation tailings and 300, 000 tons of slag, which contain considerable amounts of zinc remain. ... -
Örgütlerde iş etiği ve kariyer yönetimi ilişkisi: normatif etik boyutuyla bir değerlendirme
(2003)Normatif etik çerçevesinde, örgütsel uygulamalara ilişkin iyi-kötü, doğru-yanlış tanımlamalarının yapılması ve bunların tüm örgüt paydaşlarınca anlaşılması büyük önem taşımaktadır. Buradan hareketle, örgütsel uygulamalardan ... -
Selective separation of sodium and potassium feldspar minerals from orebodies
(Trans Tech Publications Ltd, 2004)Feldspar minerals are major commodities used in the production of glass and ceramics. A major proportion of feldspar rocks such as granites, pegmatites and nepheline syenites embody both Na-feldspar (Albite) and K-feldspar ... -
Konaklama sektöründe el değiştiren tesislerde yaşanan işletme sorunları ve bir uygulama
(2004)Konaklama sektöründe, devlet tarafından 1985-1992 yılları arasında uygulanan teşviklerin de etkisiyle bir yatırım patlaması yaşanmıştır. Ancak, 1992 yılı sonrası sektörde yaşanan darboğazların da etkisiyle, karşılaşılan ... -
Muhasebe mesleği etik kuralları ve bu kuralların meslek mensuplarınca algılanışı
(2005)Bir mesleğin saygınlık kazanabilmesinde etik kurallar önemli bir rol oynar. Diğer taraftan, ekonomik ve ticari yaşamın sağlıklı işleyebilmesi için, muhasebe mesleğine ilişkin etik kuralların oluşturulması gerekmektedir. ... -
Treatment of lead mine waste by a Mozley multi-gravity separator (MGS)
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2005)Increasing environmental awareness and pressure is focusing attention on metal removal leading to the accelerated development of contaminated land reclamation technologies. The majority of wastes associated with base metal ... -
Bacterial leaching of coal for the removal of pyritic S
(2006)Most commonly used microorganisms are Thiobacillus Ferrooxidans and Thiobacillus Thiooxidans, which have been shown to be effective in the removal of pyritic sulphur from coal. This study presents the results of bacterial ... -
Concentration of K-feldspar from a pegmatitic feldspar ore by flotation
(Elsevier Science Bv, 2006)Abundant reserves of Na-feldspar (albite) and K-feldspar (orthoclase or microcline) are found in granites, syenite, tracite and pegmatites. As both feldspar minerals have similar chemical structure and physicochemical ...