Model for managing divert risk caused by low visibility in airline operations management
In airline operations management, one can state that because of meteorological conditions, flights may have to land at an appropriate alternate airport instead of the destination. One of these meteorological conditions can be reported as insufficient visibility. In this study, I aimed to develop a model for making the most optimal flight decision by following the decision-making process with respect to risk assessment using historical meteorological data when visibility poses a risk of diverting in forecasts. I formed a standard decision-making process flowchart model for a certain period based on costs by making implementing a flight schedule relating to divert risk caused by low visibility. For this research, the risk assessment was made by analyzing the past meteorological data of the destination airport. Then the decision-making process in airline operation management was implemented in line with the data obtained. Based on the study’s results, a model for airlines’ risk analysis in managing operations with divert risk caused by low visibility has been reported to make more optimum decisions in operation.