The effectiveness of teaching with worksheets enriched with concept cartoons in science teaching laboratory applications
The aim of this research is to examine the effects of worksheets enriched with concept cartoons used in the teaching of Science Teaching Laboratory Applications-II course on the academic success and metacognition skill levels of science prospective teachers. The study was carried out using semi-experimental design. The sample of the study, science prospective teachers studying at the 3rd grade at a state university in Turkey, was composed of the experimental group (N = 37) and control group (N = 42), including 79 participants in total. The data were obtained by applying "Academic Achievement Test" and "Metacognitive Activities Inventory". In the analysis of the data, paired sample t-test, independent sample t-test, frequency and percentage calculations were carried out using a suitable statistical program. As a result of the research, although there was an increase in the academic success and metacognition skill level of the prospective teachers who were taught with worksheets enriched with concept cartoons, this increase did not create a statistically significant difference between both groups. This may be due to the fact that science pre-service teachers are not accustomed to the teaching practice and the duration of the research is limited for the development of metacognitive skills. Therefore, the applications of different special education methods and techniques used in science education should be demonstrated in the education faculties within the scope of this course. Thus, it can be ensured that prospective teachers' knowledge about special teaching methods and techniques are not only theoretical but also practical. © 2021, Ozgen Korkmaz. All rights reserved.