Mental health status of the intensive care unit healthcare workers in an university hospital at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic
COVID-19 has quickly led to a global pandemic
after WHO announced it as a new viral pneumonia on
December 31, 2019 (1). A pandemic is defined as a disease
or infectious factor that occurs worldwide or in a wide
area which crosses international borders and affects a large
number of people (2). Mental health is also significantly
affected during pandemic periods as well as physical health
(3). When the studies about the effects of the COVID-19
pandemic on the mental health status of healthcare work-
ers are examined, a study by Lai et al. in China revealed
that depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress symptoms
appeared in a significant portion of healthcare workers,
particularly in women, nurses and frontline healthcare
workers (4). In the literatüre, it was also stated that health-
care workers, especially those working in the emergency
department, intensive care unit, and infectious diseases
services, were at high risk for psychiatric disorders