Güncel Gönderiler: Scopus İndeksli Yayınlar-Diğer Yayınlar Koleksiyonu
Toplam kayıt 160, listelenen: 81-100
Chen inequalities for submanifolds of real space forms with a semi-symmetric non-metric connection (vol 55, pg 611, 2012)
(Canadian Mathematical Soc, 2015)We correct the coefficients in inequality (4.1) in Theorem 4.1(i), from C. Ozgur and A. Mihai, Chen inequalities for submanifolds of real space forms with a semi-symmetric non-metric connection. -
Red Cell Distrubition Width (RDW): A novel risk factor for cardiovascular disease
(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2012)The red cell distribution width (RDW) is a marker of variation of the size of the circulating red blood cells (anisocytosis) and is routinely reported as a part of routine complete blood count (CBC). Thus, elevated RDW ... -
Slow coronary flow in patients undergoing urgent coronary angiography for ST elevation myocardial infarction
(Elsevier Ireland Ltd, 2012)The slow coronary flow (SCF), also known as syndrome Y, has been described since 1972 [1]. Slow coronary flow phenomenon is characterized by delayed opacification of epicardial coronary vessels in the absence of stenosis ... -
A resonance frequency tracker and source frequency tuner for inductively coupled wireless power transfer systems
(IEEE, 2016)Inductively coupled resonant loops, for use in wireless power transfer applications up to several meters, exhibit the largest transfer efficiency when the loops operate at the strongly coupled regime. At the same time, ... -
Metabolic syndrome without overt diabetes is associated with prolonged pro-arrhythmogenic electrocardiographic parameters
(Turkish Soc Cardiology, 2012)It is shown in many studies that both metabolic syndrome (MS) and the risk factors related to MS [such as diabetes mellitus (DM)] were independently associated with sudden cardiac death (SCD) (1). Moreover, in a study, ... -
Hypopharyngeal hirudiniasis presenting as hematemesis
(Georg Thıeme Verlag Kg, 2014)Leeches belong to the Annelida division, Clitellata class, Hirudinea subclass. Common species of leeches that infest humans are Dinobdella ferox, Hirudinea granulosa, and Hirundinea viridis -
Geochemical and mantle-like isotopic (Nd, Sr) composition of the Baklan Granite from the Muratdagi Region (Banaz, Usak), western Turkey: Implications for input of juvenile magmas in the source domains of western Anatolia Eocene-Miocene granites
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2008)The (late syn)-post-collisional magmatic activities of western and northwestern Anatolia are characterized by intrusion of a great number of granitoids. Amongst them, Baklan Granite, located in the southern part of the ... -
Management of lymphoedema
(Verlag Hans Huber Hogrefe Ag, 2016)Lymphoedema is a common and progressive disease which causes deterioration of the quality of life of patients. It is divided into two groups: primary and secondary lymphoedema. Nowadays, the majority of patients with ... -
Removal of divalent heavy metal ions from aqueous solutions by Dowex HCR-S synthetic resin (vol 44, pg 201, 2012)
(Bulgarian Acad Science, 2014)Erratum -
Essential oil compositions of some species of Cyclotrichium and antimicrobial activities
(Springer, 2007)In this study we report on the essential oil composition of six freshly collected plant species, Cyclotrichium glabrescens (Boiss. & Kotschy ex Rech. F.) Leblebici, C. longiflorum Leblebici, C. stamineum, C. niveum, C. ... -
Corrigendum to “An evaluation of cytosolic erythrocytecarbonic anhydrase and catalase in carcinoma patients:An elevation of carbonic anhydrase activity” [Clin. Biochem. 39 (2006) 804–809]
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2007)No Abstract -
Variability of essential oil composition of Echinophora tenuifolia subsp sibthorpiana tutin by harvest location and year and oil storage
(Springer, 2007)The genus Echinophora (Apiaceae) is represented in the flora of Turkey by six species including three endemics [1]. The plant is also used in folk medicine to heal wounds and to treat gastric ulcers due to its antifungal, ... -
Comments on brown tumor of cervical spines
(Korean Soc Spine Surgery, 2015)We enjoyed reading the case report entitled “Brown tumor of the cervical spines: a case report with literature review” by Alfawareh et al. [1]. We would like to commend the authors for their detailed and valuable work. -
Review of techniques for the removal of trapped rings on fingers with a proposed new algorithm
(W B Saunders Co-Elsevier Inc, 2013)Various removal techniques for rings trapped on the finger have been described in the current literature. However, despite this being a frequently encountered situation in emergency departments, there is no comprehensive ... -
Quality of life in patients with calluses
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2016)Callus and corn lesions form as a result of chronic compression or friction on the skin. Abnormal pressure caused by foot deformities or by wearing uncomfortable shoes can be triggering factors.1 Calluses and corns can ... -
Medication related dystonic reactions especially in children on risperidone: a description of eleven cases and review of the literature
(Yerküre Tanıtım & Yayıncılık Hizmetleri A S, 2016)Objective: In this study, we evaluated the clinical characteristics of children who had admitted to the pediatric emergency unit due to drug-induced acute dystonia, particularly following risperidone treatment. Material ... -
A comprehensive review of ZnO materials and devices
(Amer Inst Physics, 2005)The semiconductor ZnO has gained substantial interest in the research community in part because of its large exciton binding energy (60 meV) which could lead to lasing action based on exciton recombination even above room ... -
X-ray analsysis of sideroxol from Sideritis leptoclada
(Springer, 2005)Sideroxol (1), a kaurane diterpene which has the ent-7 alpha,18-dihydroxy-15 beta,16 beta-epoxykaurane structure (MW = 320.47, C20H32O3) was obtained from the acetone extract of Sideritis leptoclada plant as well as from ...