Güncel Gönderiler: Araştırma Çıktıları | Scopus
Toplam kayıt 5346, listelenen: 341-360
Immobilization of beta-glucosidase purified from mandarin (Citrus reticulata) fruit to superparamagnetic nanoparticles and its aroma quality enhancing effect
(SciCell s.r.o., 2023)This paper reports on novel and efficient enhancement effects of fruit juice aroma using immobilized β-glucosidase, the enzyme involved in important functions in living organisms, onto superparamagnetic nanoparticles Fe3O4 ... -
Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
(Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2023)Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) is an important treatment modality that provides effective cure and improved survival rates for various hematologic and nonhematologic malignancies [1]. However, the intensive ... -
Helminth parasites on the Anatolian khramulya, Capoeta tinca (Heckel, 1843) from northwestern Türkiye, with new host and geographical records
(Universitatea din Oradea, 2023)In this study, it was aimed to determine the helminth fauna of Capoeta tinca, a fish species endemic to Turkey, collected from Nilüfer Stream (Bursa) between the 2020 Spring (April) and Winter 2021 (February). 81 Capoeta ... -
Food applications of coriander fixed oil
(CRC Press, 2023)Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is one of the most consumed aromatic plants worldwide, belonging to the family Umbelliferae/Apiaceae. The leaves and seeds of the plant are valuable parts, widely used as a seasoning in food ... -
Fig volatiles
(Springer International Publishing, 2023)Fig is an important crop produced in many countries with moderate climates. Whether consumed in fresh or dry form, fig has worldwide importance due to its rich dietary fiber composition, vitamins, and minerals. In addition ... -
Evaluation of the Metaverse: Perspectives of travel agency employees
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023)The metaverse constitutes a notable facet of the digital transformation underway in the tourism sector. The interplay of this process and consumer activity substantially impacts the global disposition and practices of ... -
Epigenetic enzymes and their mutations in cancer
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2023)Epigenetic mechanisms are crucial for normal development and maintenance of tissue-specific gene expression patterns in mammals. Impaired epigenetic processes can cause alterations in gene function and malignant cellular ... -
Efficiency of therapeutic underwater ultrasound therapy in mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome: A randomized sham-controlled study
(Turkish Society of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2023)Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the efficiency of therapeutic pulsed ultrasound (US) applied underwater in mild-to-moderate carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Patients and methods: This randomized, placebo-controlled ... -
Effects of the number of people, temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 parameters on indoor air quality in higher education institution classrooms
(Edelweiss Publications Inc, 2023)This study involved the measurement of air temperature, relative humidity, and CO2 levels in both open and closed circumstances of windows and doors, both indoors and outdoors, during educational activities in a higher ... -
Effects of 8-week alkaline diet and aerobic exercise on body composition, aerobic performance, and lipid profiles in sedentary women
(Frontiers Media SA, 2023)Background: Diet composition can affect systemic pH and acid–base regulation, which may in turn influence exercise performance. Purpose: It was aimed to determine the effects of the alkaline diet and 8 weeks of aerobic ... -
Discoidin domain receptor 1 as a promising biomarker for high-grade gliomas
(Wolters Kluwer Medknow Publications, 2023)Background: Two fundamental challenges in the current therapeutic approach for central nervous system tumors are the tumor heterogeneity and the absence of specific treatments and biomarkers that selectively target the ... -
Development and validation of the trust in higher education scale (THES): A mixed-methods approach
(Ozgen Korkmaz, 2023)This research aims to develop and validate the Trust in Higher Education Scale (THES) by adopting a theoretical-empirical approach. In the study, the stages of the exploratory sequential design, which is one of the ... -
Determination of vitamin D level in chicken eggs from conventional and free range systems
(Sociedade Brasileira de Ciencia e Tecnologia de Alimentos, SBCTA, 2023)This study aimed to investigate the vitamin D levels and some quality features of eggs. A total of 150 eggs (75 conventional and 75 free-range) were selected for the study. The levels of 25-OH vitamin D were determined by ... -
Determining the relationship between health technician students' attitudes to The Covid-19 Pandemic and intolerance of uncertainty with depression, anxiety, and stress levels
(Medicinska Naklada Zagreb, 2023)Background: This study aimed to identify the relationship between the attitudes of health technician students towards COVID-19 and their intolerance to uncertainty with depression, anxiety, and stress. Subjects and methods: ... -
Crosstalk reduction in coupled microstrip lines using ınterdigital split on reference plane
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2023)The proximity of microstrip lines in compact and dense designs leads to unwanted electromagnetic coupling, resulting in crosstalk that needs to be minimized. Various methods have been explored in the literature, including ... -
Correlation among experiential avoidance, anxiety sensitivity and behavioral inhibition system in generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder patients
(Medicinska Naklada Zagreb, 2023)Purpose: This study aimed to analyze the concepts of experiential avoidance, anxiety sensitivity and behavioral inhibition system through healthy volunteers and patients diagnosed with anxiety disorder. It was planned to ... -
Composition and functionality of coriander fixed oil
(CRC Press, 2023)Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is a member of the Umbelliferae/Apiaceae family and is commonly grown worldwide. This plant’s fixed and essential oils are valuable and have been attracting consumers’ interest due to their ... -
Composition and functional properties of fig (Ficus carica) phenolics
(Springer International Publishing, 2023)Fig fruit has an important role in human health due to its rich composition of such bioactive components as phenolics, phytosterols, organic acids, and hydrocarbons. The fruit could either be consumed in fresh or dried ... -
Children’s naive theories about the mechanism of rainfall and related phenomena naive theories about mechanism of rainfall
(Presses Universitaires de France, 2023)This manuscript presents a synthesis of research literature on the development of children’s conceptions of the mechanism of rainfall and related phenomena. Young children’s understanding of condensation and evaporation, ... -
Characterization, room and low temperature photoluminescence of yttrium aluminium borate activated with Sm3+ ions
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2023)In this study, the combustion method assisted by urea that is ideally suited to economic and time saving was used for the synthesizing of reddish orange emitting YAl3(BO3)4 phosphor samples doped with various Sm3+ ions ...