Yazar "Yıldız, Onur" için listeleme
Deneysel kolit oluşturulan ratlarda scutellarinin bazı lektinlerin ekspresyonu ve lokalizasyonu üzerine etkilerinin araştırılması
Yıldız, Onur (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2024)İnflamatuvar bağırsak hastalığı (İBH), kolonda yerleştiği yere ve şiddetine göre değişik semptomlar gösteren nedeni tam olarak bilinemeyen ülseratif kolit, Crohn hastalığı ve indetermine kolit olarak üç farklı şekilde ... -
Effects of enhancing vitamin D status by 25-hydroxycholecalciferol supplementation, alone or in combination with calcium and phosphorus, on sternum mineralisation and breast meat quality in broilers
Bozkurt, Mehmet; Yalçın, Servet; Koçer, B.; Tüzün, Ahmet E.; Akşit, Hasan; Yıldız, Onur; Özkan, Sezen; Uygun, Murat (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2017)1. The aim of the present study was to examine the effects of improving vitamin D status in broiler diets by supplementary 25-hydroxycholecalciferol (25OHD(3)), alone or in combination with calcium (Ca) and available ... -
Inhibitory effect of sub-conjunctival tocilizumab on alkali burn induced corneal neovascularization in rats
Sarı, Esin Söğütlü; Yazıcı, Alper; Akşit, Hasan; Yay, Arzu; Şahin, Gözde; Yıldız, Onur; Ermiş, Sıtkı Samet; Seyrek, Kamil; Yalçın, Betül (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2015)Background: To evaluate the effects of sub-conjunctivally applied interleukin-6 receptor (IL-6R) antibody (tocilizumab) on alkali burn induced corneal neovascularization (CNV) in rats. Methods: Alkali burn induced corneal ... -
Kuzu karaciğerinden saflaştırılan sitozolik β-glukozidaz aktivitesine albendazol, rikobendazol ve eprinomektinin
Albendazol (ABZ), rikobendazol (RBZ) ve eprinomektin (EPM) sığır, koyun ve keçilerde yaygın olarak kullanılan antiparaziter ilaçlardandır. ABZ karaciğerde okside olarak RBZ aktif metabolite dönüşür. Bu çalışmada, ABZ, RBZ ... -
Protective effect of 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate in rat colitis model induced by acetic acid
Akşit, Dilek; Akşit, Hasan; Yıldız, Onur; Doğru, Mustafa Selim; Yay, Arzu Hanım; Baykalır, Burcu Gül; Seyrek, Kamil; Ateşşahin, Ahmet (E-Century Publishing Corp, 2016)Some of the diseases like ulcerative colitis, Crohn disease and certain types of intestinal cancers are not treatable effectively. Our aim was to investigate the protective effects of 2-aminoethyl diphenylborinate (2-APB) ... -
Protective effect of 2-apb on testicular ischemia-reperfusion injury in rats
Sarı, Erhan; Akşit, Hasan; Erken, Haydar Ali; Yay, Arzu; Akşit, Dilek; Amasyalı, Akın Soner; Yıldız, Onur; Küçükyangöz, Ahmet (Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2015)Purpose: We performed biochemical and histopathological evaluations to assess the effects of 2-APB on ischemia-reperfusion induced testicular damage. Materials and Methods: A total of 28 rats were randomly divided into ... -
The protective effect of selenium in cisplatin-related retinotoxicity
Yazıcı, Alper; Sarı, Esin Sögütlü; Yay, Arzu; Kılıç, Adil; Akşit, Dilek; Akşit, Hasan; Yıldız, Onur; Ermiş, Sıtkı Samet (Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2014)Purpose: The aim of this study is to evaluate the retinal toxicity of cisplatin and neuroprotective effect of selenium in cisplatin-related retinal toxicity. Methods: Eighteen adult Wistar-Albino rats were divided into ... -
Selenium protects retinal cells from cisplatin-induced alterations in carbohydrate residues
Akşit, Dilek; Yazıcı, Alper; Akşit, Hasan; Sarı, Esin Söğütlü; Yay, Arzu; Yıldız, Onur; Kılıç, Adil; Ermiş, Sıtkı Samet; Seyrek, Kamil (Galenos Yayincilik, 2016)Background: Investigate alterations in the expression and localization of carbohydrate units in rat retinal cells exposed to cisplatin toxicity. Aims: The aim of the study was to evaluate putative protective effects of ... -
Serum and milk progesterone concentrations with regard to milk yield and cyclicity in cows during progesterone administration
Pancarcı, Şükrü Metin; Nak, Yavuz; Yıldız, Onur; Akşit, Hasan; Alparslan, Arzu Devrim (Wiley-Blackwell, 2015)Progesterone (P4) concentrations in serum and milk were investigated in lactating dairy cows during intravaginal P4 (CIDR®, Zoetis Animal Health, Turkey) administration. Cows (n=31) were randomly blocked based on milk yield ...