Yazar "Testici, Ahmet" için listeleme
Approximation by de la valleee poussin means in weighted generalized grand smirnov classes
Testici, Ahmet (Turkic World Mathematical Soc, 2022)Let G be a simple connected domain on complex plane such that Gamma := partial derivative G where Gamma is a Carleson curve. In this work, we investigate the rate of approximation by De La Vallee Poussin mean constructed ... -
Approximation by Faber-Laurent rational functions in Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
Israfilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Elsevier Science BV, 2016)Let Gamma be a rectifiable Dini-smooth Jordan curve in the complex plane C. In this work the approximation properties of the Faber-Laurent series expansions in the variable exponent Lebesgue spaces defined on the curve ... -
Approximation by matrix transforms in generalized grand Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
Testici, Ahmet; Israfilov, Daniyal M. (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2021)The approximation properties of the matrix transforms, constructed via lower triangular matrices, satisfying some additional conditions, in the generalized grand Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent are studied and the ... -
Approximation by matrix transforms in morrey spaces
Testici, Ahmet; Israfilov, Daniyal (Petrozavodsk State Univ, 2021)In this work, approximation properties of matrix transforms constructed via the Fourier and Faber series in the subspaces of Morrey spaces are investigated. -
Approximation by matrix transforms in weighted lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
Israfilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Springer Basel Ag, 2018)In this work the approximation properties of the matrix transforms of functions in the weighted variable exponent Lebesgue spaces are investigated. -
Approximation by norlund and riesz means in weighted lebesgue space with variable exponent
Testici, Ahmet (Ankara Univ, 2019)We investigate the approximation properties of Norlund and Riesz means of trigonometric Fourier series are investigated in the subset of weighted Lebesgue space with variable exponent. -
Approximation by rational functions on doubly connected domains in weighted generalized grand Smirnov classes
Testici, Ahmet (Springer, 2021)Let G subset of C be a doubly connected domain bounded by two rectifiable Carleson curves. We use the higher modulus of smoothness in order to investigate the approximation properties of (p - epsilon)-Faber-Laurent rational ... -
Approximation by trigonometric polynomials in weighted morrey spaces
Testici, Ahmet; İsrafilov, Daniyal M. (Independent University of Moscow, 2024)In this work, some direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory in the weighted Morrey space are proved. The Lipschitz classes of functions in term of fractional modulus of smoothness are defined and their constructive ... -
Approximation in Smirnov classes with variable exponent
İsrafilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Taylor & Francıs Ltd, 2015)In this work, the inverse problem of approximation theory in the variable exponent Smirnov classes of analytic functions, defined on the Jordan domains with a Dini-smooth boundaries, is studied. First, for this purpose, ... -
Approximation in weighted generalized grand lebesgue spaces
Israfilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Ars Polona-Ruch, 2016)The direct and inverse problems of approximation theory in the subspace of weighted generalized grand Lebesgue spaces of 2 pi-periodic functions with the weights satisfying Muckenhoupt's condition are investigated. Appropriate ... -
Approximation in weighted generalized grand Smirnov classes
Israfilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Akademiai Kiado Rt., 2017)Let G be a finite simple connected domain in the complex plane C, bounded by a Carleson curve Γ := ∂G. In this work the direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory by the algebraic polynomials in the weighted ... -
Approximation in weighted Smirnov classes
İsrafilov, Daniyal; Testici, Ahmet (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2015)In this work, the direct and inverse problems of approximation theory in the weighted Smirnov classes of analytic functions defined on the domains with a regular boundary are investigated. In particular, the constructive ... -
Approximation problems in the lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
İsrafilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2018)In the variable exponent Lebesgue space, the r-th modulus of smoothness (r = 1,2, ... ) is defined and in this term, the direct and inverse theorems of approximation theory are proved. Moreover, the constructive characterization ... -
Approximation properties of some summation methods in the Smirnov classes with variable exponent
Israfilov, Daniyal M.; Testici, Ahmet (Amer Inst Physics, 2016)Let G subset of C be a finite simple connected domain with a rectifiable Dini-smooth boundary Gamma. In this work, the approximation properties of the De Vallee Poussin and Jackson means in the variable exponent Smirnov ... -
Approximation theorems in weighted lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
Testici, Ahmet (Univ Nis, 2021)In this work, approximation properties of de la Vallee-Poussin means are investigated in weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent where weight function belongs to Muckenhoupt class. For this purpose direct, inverse ... -
Değişken üslü lebesgue uzaylarında yaklaşım problemleri
Testici, Ahmet (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2018)Bu tez çalışmasında değişken üslü Lebesgue uzaylarında yaklaşım problemleri incelenmiştir. Birinci bölüm giriş kısmından oluşur. İkinci bölümde temel kavramlara yer verilmiş, değişken üslü Lebesgue uzayları tanıtılmış ve ... -
Kompleks düzlemde yaklaşım teorisinin bazı problemleri
Testici, Ahmet (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2013)Beş bölümden oluşan bu tezde yaklaşım teorisinin düz ve ters teoremleri araştırılmıştır. Birinci bölüm yaklaşım teorisi ve onun gelişimi hakkında bazı bilgileri içerir. İkinci bölüm dört kısımdan oluşmaktadır. Birinci ... -
Linear methods of approximation in weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent
Testici, Ahmet; Israfilov, Daniyal M. (Hacettepe Univ, 2021)Some estimations in below for the deviations conducted by the Zygmund means and by the Abel-Poisson sums in the weighted Lebesgue spaces with variable exponent are obtained. In the classical Lebesgue spaces these estimations ... -
Matrix transforms in weighted variable exponent lebesgue spaces
Testici, Ahmet; Israfilov, Daniyal M. (Inst Math & Mechanics Azerbaijan, 2022)In this work, approximation properties of matrix transforms in the weighted variable exponent Lebesgue space of periodic functions are investigated. -
Maximal convergence of faber series in weighted rearrangement invariant smirnov classes
Testici, Ahmet (Inst Mathematics Computer Center Russia, 2022)Let K be a bounded set on the complex plane C with a connected complement (Formula Presented) and (Formula Presented) By φ we denote the conformal mapping of K−onto {w ∈ C: |w| > 1} normalized by the conditions φ (∞) = ∞ ...