Yazar "Solmaz, Levent" için listeleme
Cern lep indications for two light higgs bosons and the u(1)' model
Demir, Durmuş; Solmaz, Levent; Solmaz, Saime (Amer Physical Soc, 2006)Reanalyses of LEP data have shown preference to two light CP-even Higgs bosons. We discuss implications of such a Higgs boson spectrum for the minimal supersymmetric model extended by a standard model singlet chiral ... -
Efektif U(1)' modellerinde doğallığın incelenmesi
Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2012)U(1)' modeli standart model sonrası süpersimetrik modellerin en etkililerinden biridir. Bu modele göre doğada ekstra bir elektro-zayıf ayar simetrisi vardır. Bundan dolayı bu modelin parçacık spektrumunda MSSM'e ek olarak ... -
Electric dipole moments in U(1)' models
Hayreter, Alper; Sabancı, Aslı; Solmaz, Levent; Solmaz, Saime (Amer Physical Soc, 2008)We study electric dipole moments of electrons and protons in E(6)-inspired supersymmetric models with an extra U(1) invariance. Compared to the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model, in addition to offering a natural ... -
Family non-universal U (1)' model with minimal number of exotics
Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar; Moretti, Stefano; Solmaz, Levent (Elsevier, 2021)dsf -
Flavour non-universal UMSSM with minimal number of exotics
Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar; Moretti, Stefano; Solmaz, Levent (CERN, 2021)We report the phenomenological implications of several family non-universal U(1)′ sub-models in the U(1)′-extended Minimal Supersysmmetric Standard Model (UMSSM) possesing an extra down quark type exotic field. In doing ... -
Generalized soft breaking leverage for the MSSM
Un, Cem Salih; Tanyıldızı, Şükrü Hanif; Kerman, Saime; Solmaz, Levent (Amer Physical Soc, 2015)In this work we study implications of additional nonholomorphic soft breaking terms (mu', A(t)', A(b)', and A(t)') on the minimal supersymmetric extension of the standard model (MSSM) phenomenology. By respecting the ... -
Higgs boson masses in the MSSM with general soft breaking
Sabancı, Aslı; Hayreter, Alper; Solmaz, Levent (2008)The operators that break supersymmetry can be holomorphic or non-holomorphic in structure. The latter do not pose any problem for gauge hierarchy and are soft provided that the particle spectrum does not contain any gauge ... -
Higgs bosons in supersymmetric U(1)′ models with CP violation
Frank, Mariana; Selbuz, Levent; Solmaz, Levent; Turan, İsmail (American Physical Society, 2013)We study the Higgs sector of the U(1)'-extended minimal supersymmetric standard model with CP violation. This is an extension of the minimal supersymmetric standard model Higgs sector by one singlet field, introduced to ... -
Holomorf olmayan süpersimetrik standart model ve belirgin CP ihlalinin nötral Higgs bozonlarına gelen loop düzeltmeleri
Cincioğlu, Elif (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2010)Etkin potansiyel metodunu kullanarak, holomorf olmayan süpersimetrik modelin (NHSSM) nötral Higgs bozonlarının kütle matrislerine ait tek-halka düzeltmelerini ve net CP kırınımını, üçüncü nesil kuark ve skuarklara gelen ... -
Kozmik enflasyon modellemeleri
Özdilek, Şule (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2016)Evrenin erken dönemlerine açıklık getirmek üzere en kabul görmüş teori kozmik enflasyondur. Enflasyon teorisine göre evren üstel olarak çok hızlı bir şekilde genişlemiştir. Bu teori Büyük Patlamanın sorunlarına çözüm ... -
Least fine-tuned U(1) extended SSM
Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar; Solmaz, Levent; Tanyıldızı, Şükrü Hanif (Elsevier Science, 2018)We consider the Higgs boson mass in a class of the UMSSM models in which the MSSM gauge group is extended by an additional U(1)' group. Implementing the universal boundary condition at the GUT scale we target phenomenologically ... -
Model characterization and dark matter in the secluded U(1)' model
Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar; Selbuz, Levent; Solmaz, Levent; Un, Cem Salih (Amer Physical Soc, 2022)We consider a class of U(1)'-extended minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model (MSSM) in which the U(1)' symmetry is broken by vacuum expectation values of four MSSM singlet fields. While one MSSM singlet ... -
Muon anomalous magnetic moment constraints on supersymmetric u(1)' models
Cincioğlu, Elif; Kırca, Zerrin; Sert, Hale; Solmaz, Saime; Solmaz, Levent; Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar (Amer Physical Soc, 2010)We study the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in supersymmetric E-6 models and generic U(1)' models to probe the model reactions and to find constraints on the large parameter space of these models. For future searches, ... -
Neutral Higgs sector of the MSSM with explicit CP violation and non-holomorphic soft breaking
Cincioğlu, Elif; Hayreter, Alper; Sabancı, Aslı; Solmaz, Levent (Elsevier Science Bv, 2009)Using the effective potential method, we computed one-loop corrections to the mass matrix of neutral Higgs bosons of the Non-Holomorphic Supersymmetric Standard Model (NHSSM) with explicit CP violation, where the radiative ... -
Phenomenological issues in supersymmetry with nonholomorphic soft breaking
Çakır, Muammer Altan; Mutlu, Sevdiye; Solmaz, Levent (Amer Physical Soc, 2005)We present a through discussion of motivations for and phenomenological issues in supersymmetric models with minimal matter content and nonholomorphic soft-breaking terms. Using the unification of the gauge couplings and ... -
Quasi-Yukawa unification and fine-tuning in U(1) extended SSM
Hiçyılmaz, Yaşar; Ceylan, Meltem; Altaş, Aslı; Solmaz, Levent; Ün, Cem Salih (American Physical Society, 2016)We consider the low scale implications in the U(1)' extended minimal supersymmetric Standard Model (UMSSM). We restrict the parameter space such that the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP) is always the lightest ... -
Simple approach to fourth generation effects in B→X sℓ+ℓ- decay
Solmaz, Levent (2004)In a scenario in which fourth generation fermions exist, we study the effects of new physics on the differential decay width, forward-backward asymmetry, and the integrated branching ratio for B›Xsl +l-, decay with (l = ... -
Süpersimetrik U(1)' modellerinde nötrino salınımlarının incelenmesi
Ceylan, Meltem (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015)Bu tezde Süpersimetrik U(1)' Modelleri çerçevesinde nötrino salınımları incelenmiş ve bu salınımların gerçekleşme olasılıkları hesaplanmıştır. U(1)' Model nötrino salınımlarını açıklar mı ve deneyler ile ele alınan teori ... -
Süpersimetrik U(1)´ modellerinde en hafif nötral higgs bozonunun bozunum genişlikleri
Appak, Gülsün (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2015)Bu tezde Süpersimetrik U(1)´ Modellerinde yük-parite ihlali durumunda tüm Higgs sektörü için özellikle de en hafif nötral Higgs bozonu için bozunum genişliği ve bağlaşımlar hesaplanmıştır. Bu hesaplar Avrupa Nükleer Araştırma ... -
Tevatron higgs mass bounds: projecting u(1)' models to lhc domain
Sert, Hale; Cincioğlu, Elif; Demir, Durmuş Ali; Solmaz, Levent (Elsevier Science Bv, 2010)We study Higgs boson masses in supersymmetric models with an extra U(1) symmetry to be called U(1)'. Such extra gauge symmetries are urged by the mu problem of the MSSM, and they also arise frequently in low-energy ...