Yazar "Can, Dilek Tüfekçi" için listeleme
Affective or cognitive factors on extensive reading of ELT students: A case study
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi; Baştürk, Mehmet (Ali Yiğit, 2016)Reading has always been at the very focus of researchers of English Language Teaching (ELT). The purpose of learners of English as a Foreign Language Learning (EFLL) is to acquire a considerable amount of knowledge both ... -
Bastard of Istanbul: Armenian diaspora and the problem of identity
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Seventh Sense Research Group, 2011)Elif Shafak’s novel “Bastard of Istanbul” tells readers something on the subject of Armenian Diaspora about historical memory. Indeed, “Bastard of Istanbul” touches upon the life and past times of an Armenian family with ... -
The Book of Dede Korkut: The Villains in and out of Turks
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi; Ekici, Metin (BRILL Publication, 2020)The Book of Dede Korkut1 , regarded as the Iliad of the Turks, is an epic of the Oghuz, one of the major branches of the Turkish Peoples, in other words Turkomans – a special name acquired after their conversion to ... -
Çocuk edebiyatı: Kuramsal yaklaşım
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Eğitim Kitapevi, 2014)Çocuk ve çocukluk kavramlarına açıklık getirmeye çalışırken farklı görüşlerle karşı karşıya kaldığımızı belirtelim. Bu görüşleri değerlendirmemiz sonucunda, çocuk ve çocukluk kavramının ortak kabul gören bir tanımına ... -
Çocuk edebiyatında dilin ideolojisi: Anlatı bilimsel yaklaşım
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Bengü Yayıncılık, 2013)Çocuk edebiyatı yüzyıllardır eğitim, din ve politik öğretiler arasında tüm dünyada bir güç çekişmesine maruz kalmaktadır. İdeoloji, istenmeyen veya toplumsal yapı içinde kaçınılması gereken veya gereksiz görülen değil ... -
Dilin gelişimi: Genel bir bakış
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Bilim Eğitim Kültür Akademi Derneği, 2014)İnsanoğlunun doğuştan gelen en önemli özelliklerinden biri olan konuşma eylemini işlevsel hale getiren ‘dil’, en eski düşünme araçlarından biridir. Kendisinden önceki yüzyıllarda olduğu gibi 21. yüzyılda da ister sözel, ... -
An ecocritical reading of Melo by Sevim Ak and The Iron Woman by Ted Hughes: Exploring human and non-human entanglement
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Università di Macerata, 2024)Children’s literature, an amazing, captivating and instructive genre of literary texts, mostly written for children today, is an effective tool for raising children’s awareness of environmental issues. Children’s literature ... -
The effectiveness of computers on vocabulary learning among preschool children: A semiotic approach
Başöz, Tutku; Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Birleşik Dünya Yenilik Araştırma ve Yayıncılık Merkezi, 2016)Semiotics has recently achieved some prominence as a theoretical foundation for foreign language learning/teaching. Though there have been a number of research on the semiotics in foreign language learning, the practical ... -
Foreign language teaching anxiety among pre-service teachers during teaching practicum.
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (İsmail Hakkı Mirici, 2018)Research on anxiety in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) commonly focuses on language learning and its related matrices whereas foreign language teaching anxiety (FLTA) still remains an area of research to be addressed ... -
Foucauldian panopticism: The attitudes of pre-service english teachers in elt department towards learnercentered and teacher-centered approach
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (IJAS Publication, 2014)No data has been found about the attitudes of pre-service English teachers towards learner-centered approach (LCA) and teacher-centered approach (TCA) in terms of Foucauldian panopticism. Thus, in this study, the researcher ... -
The function of ‘aposiopesis’ in Top Girls by Caryl Churchill
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Serdar Bulut, 2016)Language as a means of communication is considered as one of the most significant sine qua non characteristics of human being. Language, namely the ability to acquire and use complex system of communication, is somewhat ... -
Grice'in niyet-merkezli semantik bakış açışı bağlamında Duha Koca Oğlu Deli Dumrul hikâyesinin incelenmesi
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (2015)H. Paul Grice tarafından öne sürülen niyet--merkezli semantik bakış açışına göre karşılıklı konuşmanın veya iletişimin başarılı sayılabilmesi cümlelerin mantıksal kurallar çerçevesinde düzenlenmesine bağlıdır. Bireyler ... -
Howards End: Capitalism “What big mouth you have...
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Yakup YILMAZ, 2021)Howards End (1910), a novel by E. M. Forster, revolves around three families, namely the rich capitalists Wilcoxes, the half-German intellectual Schlegels and the impoverished couples the Bast from lower class, in the ... -
Howards end: Through the lenses of Bourdieusian capital theory under the guise of modernism
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Kafkas Üniversitesi, 2020)E. M. Forster’s novel “Howards End” implicitly employs Pierre Bourdieu’s capital theory with its concepts such as economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital by endowing its characters with different culturally ... -
Identity change and identity verification of characters in Marice by E. M. Forster
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi; Arargüç, Mehmet Fikret (Duvar Publishing, 2022)In September 1913, when E. M. Forster began writing Maurice, homosexuality was largely regarded as a punishable crime that carried not only individual humiliation but also public disgrace. Thus, suicide was frequently the ... -
Identity criticism: Self-verification processes of fe(male) characters in howards end by forster
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Erciyes Üniversitesi, 2021)The aim of this paper is to unearth gender identities of both female and male characters in the novel entitled Howards End (1910) by E. M. Forster through the lenses of identity criticism. As an author, having an ... -
Maurice: Through the lenses of Lacanian “mirror, mirror, on the wall…”
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (Namık Kemal Üniversitesi, Fen-Edebiyat Fakültesi Dekanlığı, 2021)Maurice, a bildungsroman by E. M. Forster, revolves around the theme ofhomosexuality. By presenting homosexual characters, who are on a futile quest fortheir actual identity, Forster attempts to be the voice of the ... -
Metinlerarası bir yaklaşım: “Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi Cüceler” şiiri
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (E-Journal of New World Sciences Academy, 2011)Grimm kardeşlerin derlediği “Pamuk Prenses ve Yedi Cüceler” (1812) adlı peri masalı yayınlandığı tarihten itibaren günümüze değin beyaz perdeden, çizgi romana, reklâmlardan, ilan panolarına, müzikallerden, teatral gösterilere ... -
Popülarite: Popüler kültürün olmazsa olmazları
Harold E. Hinds, Jr (Geleneksel Yayıncılık, 2012)Harold E. Hinds, Jr., popüler kültür ile ilgili şimdiye kadar ortaya atılan görüşleri, teori ve metodoloji oluşturmada gerekli temeli sağlayamayacak kadar geniş ve/veya belirsiz bulmaktadır. Hinds popüler kültürü, “kültürün ... -
Pre-service EFL teachers’ reflections: The contribution of teaching practicum on academic success and self-improvement
Can, Dilek Tüfekçi (University of Lodz, 2019)Teaching practicum, which provides great opportunity for pre-service English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teachers to observe, experience and practice the knowledge they have gained theoretically in practical basis, has had ...