Yazar "Beyli, Pınar Turan" için listeleme
Adsorption behavior of victoria blue dye on halloysite nanotubes from aqueous solutions
Beyli, Pınar Turan (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P), 2015)This study examines the adsorption and electrokinetic properties of victoria blue dye (VB) onto halloysite nanotubes from aqueous solutions. The adsorption of VB was studied with batch experiments. Equilibrium was rapidly ... -
Characterization, adsorption, and electrokinetic properties of modified sepiolite
Beyli, Pınar Turan; Doğan, Mehmet; Alkan, Mahir; Türkyılmaz, Aydın; Turhan, Yasemin; Demirbaş, Özkan; Namlı, Hilmi (Taylor & Francis Inc, 2016)The metal ion adsorption and electrokinetic properties of sepiolite modified by 3-(trimetoxysilyl)propyl metaacrylate was studied. The characterization of modified sepiolite was made by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ... -
Natural polymer fillers instead of dye and pigments: Pumice and scoria in PDMS fluid and elastomer composites
Özvezir, Esra; Beyli, Pınar Turan (Walter De Gruyter GMBH, 2023)The electrical and thermal conductivities and light transmittance properties of silicone oil and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer composites were investigated. Pumice, scoria, nano-Ag, and multi-walled carbon nanotube ... -
Polidimetilsiloksan nanokompozitlerinin sentezi ve karakterizasyonu
Özvezir, Esra (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2022)Bu çalışmada, esnekliği, reaktif olmayışı, dayanıklılığı ve transparan oluşu nedeniyle bir çok alanda kullanıma sahip olan polidimetilsiloksan (PDMS) elastomerine daha önce etkisi incelenmemiş olan nano boyuta indirilmiş ... -
Polidimetilsiloksanın genlenmiş perlit, üleksit ve kolemanit ile hazırlanan pastalarının reolojik özelliklerinin incelenmesi
Beyli, Pınar Turan (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2011)Polidimetilsiloksan, endüstride birçok kullanım alanı olan polimerik bir maddedir. Otomotiv sanayinde, evde, kozmetikde ve birçok yerde kullanıma sahiptir. Sanayide polidimetilsiloksandan oluşturulan pastaların büyük ... -
PVB/pomza ve PVB/skorya kompozitlerinin hazırlanması ve karakterizasyonu
Hepöz, Şengül (Balıkesir Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2023)Bu çalışmada optik özellikleri nedeniyle birçok alanda kullanıma sahip olan polivinil bütiral polimerine yeni özellikler kazandırmak amacıyla asidik pomza, bazik pomza ve skorya doğal volkanik kayaçları 1 mikronun altındaki ... -
Synthesis, characterization and their antimicrobial activities of boron oxide/poly(acrylic acid) nanocomposites: thermal and antimicrobial properties
Beyli, Pınar Turan; Doğan, Mehmet; Gündüz, Zürriye; Alkan, Mahir; Turhan, Yasemin (De Gruyter Poland Sp Zoo, 2018)Boron oxide (B2O3)/Poly(acrylic acid) (PAA) nanocomposites were synthesized by solution intercalation method, and characterized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR-ATR), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), ... -
Synthesis, characterization, electrokinetic and adsorption properties of an organo-modified adsorbent for selective removing of metal ions
Beyli, Pınar Turan; Doğan, Mehmet; Alkan, Mahir; Türkyılmaz, Aydın; Turhan, Yasemin; Demirbaş, Özkan; Namlı, Hilmi (Parlar Scientific Publications (P S P),, 2016)Firstly, sepiolite was modifed using N-1-[3-(trimethoxysiliylpropyl)]. In order to support the modification of sepiolite surface, FTIR, XRD, DTA/TG and SEM analyses were carried out. It was found that the chemical bonding ... -
Thermal and kinetic properties of poly(vinylacetate)/modified MWCNT nanocomposites
Doğan, Mehmet; Turan, Muhsin; Beyli, Pınar Turan; Bicil, Zeynep; Kızılduman, Berna Koçer (Taylor and Francis Inc, 2020)The aims of this study were to improve the low thermal stability of poly(vinylacetate) (PVAc) polymer by forming its nanocomposite products according to solvent casting method with multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) ... -
Thermal stability and rheological properties of PMMA/B2O3 nanocomposites synthesised by melting method
Doğan, Mehmet; Gündüz, Zürriye; Kızılduman, Berna Koçer; Beyli, Pınar Turan; Turhan, Yasemin; Doğan, Serap; Diken, Mehmet Emin (Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2022)Nano boron oxide (B2O3) was firstly produced from granular B2O3 by ball milling under cryogenic conditions. Then, PMMA/B2O3 nanocomposites were synthesized by melting method and then characterized. Finally, the rheological ...